Page 24 of Yours
Jagger stared at the grass that was streaked with his own blood. His chest and back were soaked from each cut of Landy’s dagger. His trousers were ruined from the amount of blood that had dripped down his torso, and he could feel it seeping into his drawers.
He wasn’t even sure how he was still conscious after losing so much. His sweat-soaked hair was limp, and strands were plastered to his face. The lirek collar around his neck was just a little too tight.
“I could execute you for that alone,” said Landy.
Why couldn’t he hurry up if he was going to do it?
“Father thinks a lighter hand is needed.” Landy sighed. “Now that he’s on his deathbed, I’m close to inheriting, so I can change things how I see fit. The harsher the punishment, the more people will think before doing them. As for you, maybe you did talk your way in to spare your life. You’ve always had a way with words and your looks. It’s why the others always did everything you said when we fought or couldn’t decide a game to play as kids.”
Landy came closer to Jagger who stared at the blurry red streaks.
“It’s why I stayed with you and loved you,” whispered Landy. “No other man quite made me feel so owned in bed.”
And when Jagger wanted to leave because he’d seen a side of Landy he didn’t like, the Earl’s son hadn't been content to let him end things. That’s what this really came down to. Everything else was just another excuse to torture him for break up with Landy.
“You had to go and ruin that. I would have paid the debt and done anything for you.”
If Jagger had taken the money, it would have tightened the hold.
Landy looked at him for a long moment. “I kept hoping you’d return to me, but I know you don’t love me anymore.”
Jagger finally forced his mouth open. “I don’t love what you turned into. I loved the man you used to be-or who I thought you were. I already told you this, but you refused to listen.”
“I’ve always been me. I simply matured and saw a couple of cold truths that people don’t like to think about. One of those truths is that I don’t think you ever loved me. If you did, you would have crushed me like you did.”
It wasn’t the truth at all. He had loved Landy, but the lord’s son changed. Jagger had thought they’d get married until he saw that side he couldn’t stand.
But he was too tired to force the words out. His knees gave up again, and he bit his tongue so he wouldn’t make a sound when the ropes dug into his brutalized wrists. More sweat poured down his as he struggled to get his footing, and every slash Landy had gouged into him burned and stung from it.
He didn’t think that he’d ever feel that nasty side or those cold eyes watching him while bloody lines appeared on his body.
"I still love you, so I’m not going to kill you,” said Landy. “Consider this part of your punishment, and on top of it, I’m going to give you a job that I offered you before. You refused it, but I think you’ll be inclined to take it now.”
Elira, no…
“Once you heal up, you’re going to be a guard at the prison like I originally offered. Once you learn the ropes and have some experience, you can be promoted to a senior guard. Under my new rules, confessions will be tortured from prisoners. Punishments will be carried out depending on the severity of the crime. I’m already working on wording the edict to make my wishes known once Father passes, and I’ll be the lord. Since you have that intimidating air and way with words, I think you’ll be good at it. If you want to work at the lirek mine later, you can. Someone like you would probably be good with keeping people in line.”
Landy brushed back a piece of Jagger’s sweaty hair, and he flinched back from the touch. He couldn’t believe he’d once craved this man against him, and he’d never known what sort of man he truly was deep inside.
“Don’t be like that,” said Landy. “This is your fault anyway. As I was saying, I think you’ll be quite good. The guards have their own way of doing things and if you want a little pet to play with or fuck, be my guest. I don’t really care anymore who you fuck since you ruined us. As long as you follow the general way of things among the other guards and don’t rock the ship, you’ll be fine, and I’ll leave you alone. The only thing is that you can’t leave. That’ll be your job for life, so consider that your sentence.”
Jagger shook his head and made sweat droplets fly as his knees threatened to give out again. He didn’t want to be a part of that. The lirek mine was already cruel, and the prison, which was pretty average, would become far worse once Landy took over as the lord.
He thought prisoners should be racked, burned, and forced to confess even for petty shit. He wanted them branded, and he thought the number of lashes for crimes should be increased. He thought the prospect of such suffering would lower crime rates to nearly nothing, and that everyone who committed a crime should suffer greatly for it as an example to others.
He didn’t even seem to understand showing mercy to the desperate who stole food.
Landy had wanted Jagger to work there before, and he’d refused. He liked mixing pain with his pleasure, and Landy had squirmed under his whip many times.
But Jagger didn't want to rack someone, watch as their limbs were torn from the sockets, and turn their very existence into one of complete suffering for a damn confession.
“If you refuse, I’ll kill you,” said Landy. “Do you want to bleed to death out here?”
The grass blurred further. He didn’t want to die. It was why he’d talked a gang leader into taking him on so they wouldn’t kill him for Father’s debts. He was only twenty-one, and he didn’t want to be left to bleed to death in the woods out by the gang’s cave.
He didn't want to fulfill Landy's way of things, but he didn't want to die at his hands either. If only he hadn’t been trapped, cornered, and endangered thanks to the decisions made by others.
"Well?" demanded Landy. "Do you want to live?"