Page 4 of Yours
“I should have known better.”
“I still should have ensured you understood so it wouldn’t be such a shock. People should have to experience or see that.”
Luke was also more grateful now because Jagger never raped him even if Luke didn’t always enjoy the more public scenarios. He’d whipped obedience, manners, and humility into his slave. He’d also punished him for choices he shouldn’t have made, but he also took care of his slave, and he’d even given Luke the chance to refuse being his pet.
Mick probably didn’t get a chance to say no. He could imagine that guard, Nrek, threatening him into saying yes so that he could use the collar and keep Mick’s asshole and mouth to himself. Even though Jagger couldn’t do anything about guards, at least he was willing to watch over Luke, and he would keep someone safe.
Luke crawled over to put his head in Jagger’s lap.
“One day, you’ll be free of this stuff, and you won't have to see any of this.” Jagger stroked his hair. “I’d move somewhere else if I was you.”
“I don’t plan on stealing again.”
“Why does the Earl allow this? How would he like it if someone did that to him?”
“He doesn’t think like that.” Jagger grew quiet. “Truly, I think he’s not right in the head. Some people like to use cruelty to show their power. They think it keeps the people in line, but honestly, crime is still pretty much the same now. It didn't drastically lessen. The Kingdom of Elirim is pretty harsh with their punishments, and I heard crime was lessened a little there since thieves get quite a lot of lashes, but honestly? It’s probably more of a coincidence. Harsh punishments usually mean the poor suffer more for simple things like stealing food. You better go out because I’m sure breakfast is almost ready.”
Luke sat up, but Jagger took his shoulder and brought his face close.
“Whatever you do, don’t say anything to those two guards, don’t look at them funny, and don’t start blabbing to everyone else about what happened. They don’t give a fuck about whatever you and I think. Whatever you see, stay out of it, don’t rock the ship, and do what I tell you.”
Breakfast was oatmeal, and they actually had sugar to put on it. Even the prisoners had their food sweetened. The guy who been raped the night before ate mechanically and his eyes were deader than Mick’s. The two rapists from last night ate and talked as if they hadn’t horribly abused someone less than twelve hours ago.
He should have known it'd be like this on the trip too. Did this job attract lousy bastards in general?
Luke hadn’t seen Bread, but he saw someone climbing into the back of one of the carts with a bowl, so he figured the poor guy was still alive. He’d been quiet, but he must have been in agony.
They still had days left to go. One guy who had whitish-pink hair seemed to be trying to chat up a guard. Maybe he was hoping to get a special collar after what he’d seen last night.
Once they were ready to go, which wasn’t a quick process, the walk was pretty easy for an hour or so, but the terrain grew rough and hilly. With the rocks, Luke was pretty glad they had been given boots because otherwise, his feet would be full of nicks. The guards made the prisoners walk a little closer together. Those driving the carts had to be careful so they didn’t bust a wheel or an axle. Luke wished they could have a break, but he kept going since he heard the whip crack at a few that were being a little too slow.
Being around the middle of the criminal group seemed safer. By noon, he was more than ready to sit, but one of the guards picked him to help with lunch. Instead of actual beans, they had dry, pale blocks that were made from mashed, chippy beans. Once they were heated with a little water, they turned to mush. Even with salt, it was still rather bland. Apparently, whoever packed the supplies mostly forgot about spices and herbs.
At least it wasn’t gruel, and everyone knew chippy beans were good for a person. Luke was rather sick of them since he’d so many while poor, but it wasn’t like anyone was going to make something else for him.
It was hard to get back up later and continue walking after the hilly morning. Much later in the afternoon, the terrain leveled out again, and one of the guards spotted a little herd of tawny plain dogs scuttling along on their twiggy legs. He convinced his buddy to go with him, and they came back with quite a few that they’d nabbed with their bows.
Luke had a feeling the prisoners wouldn’t be getting any fresh meat. He was right. They got more chippy beans and bread. Jagger invited him to eat in his tent that night, and he switched their bowls without even asking.
“What are you doing?” asked Luke. “Don’t you want the meat?”
“Riding a horse is exercise, but I’d say all of those hills were more strenuous on you, so you can have it.”
“Thanks, but you should have some too.”
“I’ll be fine.”
Luke forked some of the meat into Jagger’s bowl. “You just said riding a horse is exercise. We’ll share.”
Jagger brushed back a strand of Luke’s hair. “Okay.”
The dog meat was stringy, but it was still better than the dried stuff that was like shoe leather. Jagger told him to go sit with the prisoners after they ate. The guy with pinkish-white hair was in a senior guard’s lap by the fire, although he didn’t look entirely pleased.
“If you want it, you better be ready to do what I say,” the senior said. “Show everyone what you got, Zaz.”