Page 5 of React
I didn’t feel like explaining how wrong this asshole was about my social network, so I plastered my best bitch face on and tossed my hair over my shoulder to give him my best withering glare. He didn’t even flinch. Prick. “Good thing you’re paid to guard my body, not my social life.” I held out my hand, palm up and bent my fingers in a ‘hurry up’ motion when the man still hadn’t produced my stolen phone from his pocket.
It was achingly slow moments before he finally reached into his pocket and retrieved my phone, holding it out in a half hearted concession. Snatching it back just as quickly as he had, I unlocked my phone and felt a new level of fury rise within me. I needed to calm down before I did something that got me banned by the TSA and plastered all over the evening news. I sent death rays through my eyes at the side of Mullins’ head, who didn’t even waste a glance on me.
I looked back down at the text message sent from my phone and still couldn’t believe what he’d done.
Yeah, I kind of need a break from you two after Barcelona. I’m going to skip HK and spend the summer closer to home. Good luck with the alcohol poisoning ladies! XOXO
“Are you fucking kidding me with this?” I hissed, low enough to keep the conversation between us. “This doesn’t even sound like me.” No, it sounded like the version of me that he’d painted in his head. She wasn’t some Regina George mean girl who took pleasure in cutting those around her down. That was more Bailey and Monica’s speed.
“They’re going to lose their minds and think I’ve been kidnapped or something.” I turned my attention toward the window as we began to taxi down the runway. “Not that they’d be that far off.” I mumbled. I’d been completely stolen from my own world and dropped into a new terrain where I had no power and no compass to navigate the obstacles. I couldn’t leave the country, or even the Hamptons. I wasn’t going down without a fight when it came to leaving the Hamptons. I had a life separate from the clubs and jet setting around the world, and again I found myself wondering how much of their deep dive into my life had revealed my hidden side to the man tasked with keeping me safe.
I chanced another glance at the man sitting next to me, his back straight and eyes constantly flicking from the magazine he’d snatched from the back of the seat in front of him to the people around them who were paying us no attention. He didn’t even try to hide the air of intimidation that rolled off him in waves. His reputation and high praise must have come from his ability to intimidate the threats away by justbeing. But he’d never once, in all his talking down to me, mentioned my secrets. If he did know, he either didn’t think them important enough to warrant a comment, or he had no idea of just how involved I was with my hidden passion. If he knew, he’d have probably cut me some slack in the judgment department. But I didn’t want it. If Mullins thought I was nothing more than a party bitch, I didn’t care enough to correct him.
My attention was back out the window next to me as the plane took off, taking us further from my father, and closer to a summer filled with seclusion and boredom. Seclusion I was forced to endure because of who my father was and what people thought I was to him. Hell, if they only knew the truth of how Richard Harrington treated his one remaining family member, they’d probably have left me out of whatever threats he’d invited. If they only knew how much my father had wishedI’dbeen the one in the car accident that night and not his wife. Caroline Harrington had always been the glue of our family. The peacemaker and the mediator. Not that we’d needed much of any calming force in the beginning of my life.
I never quite knew if the memories of better times were really all that special, or if they’d been blurred by hope and the longing for what I needed and not what I actually had. It was so hard to reconcile the Robert before with the Robert after my mother’s death. Before he’d rolled around on the floor playing with me as a child. I could still hear the silly voices he’d put on as he read me bedtime stories on any of the nights he made it home before my bedtime. I remembered cannon balls in the pool, hilarious impressions at the dinner table, and above all else… I remembered his love. But as the years marched on, I’d found myself wondering more and more if that memory had been born and nurtured by fantasy. Because how could a loving father insult me and belittle me all while thrusting security on me in the name of “safety”? There was no care and no respect from my father, and it was a testament to his acting ability that he’d played the part so well that he’d managed to pull me into his bullshit.
That flame of teenage rebellion flared within me and immediately the immature and hurt child began a list of all the things that would infuriate the man who pretended to be a loving parent. I could ditch my security and be off on some adventure, getting into as much trouble publicly as possible if only to see his reaction. To get some type of reaction. Because hadn’t that always been the root of my issues with the man? The complete apathy thrown in my face after being bulldozed with the grief of losing my mother. With self awareness came the knowledge that I wouldn’t do any of those things. I wasn’t stupid and was completely aware that there was a danger I couldn’t hope to deal with alone. One summer of discomfort was nothing compared to a life ending stupid decision. For that reason, I wouldn’t snub Robert’s help even if it was in the form of a towering brick of security with hazel eyes and the personality of a paper sack.
I’d adapted quickly to the differences between the lives of my clients and my own fairly early on. I’d been a foster kid living on stale bread and expired peanut butter scavenged by my older sister. We’d had nothing but each other until fate had put us on the path of a better life. Craig and Irene Mullins were far from rich, living solidly in the lower middle class, but to a kid who wasn’t used to attention or even daily showers, I’d been given keys to a kingdom all my own. I could have carried the weight of a chip on my shoulder toward anyone who hadn’t suffered as I had, but even in my youth, my mind leaned more toward how that money could only help, if those who had it could only place it in the right hands.
It was those moneyed people like John Landow who had invested in me and my singular goal once out of the military. The money and partnership with the three men closest to me in battle started Remington Security, and we’d thrived. In a few short years we had made a name and reputation among the elite, and suddenly I was wearing the expensive suits and spending far too much money to make the upper echelon more comfortable with me.
But there were still moments that the opulence of the rich and famous caused me to pause and take it in as if it were some alien world. It was that pause that had stopped me as I’d escorted Lake Harrington into the private lobby of The Plaza set aside for residents of the building. I’d done my sweep of the space through the lens of protector, noting one elderly man in the room before taking in the fact that the man was behind an ornate desk, gold details intricately woven around him and spreading into the rest of the high ceiling space. It was probably real gold too, knowing how obnoxious the rich could be. Those were the parts of my foster kid brain that still didn’t understand the need to spend money to decorate in precious metals. It was for nothing more than to look at and held no use other than to work as a status symbol for those allowed to gaze upon it.
It was perfect for the vapid client of mine currently sashaying a few steps in front of me, on purpose to attempt to establish dominance. She was so easy to read in her immature actions that I wondered yet again if I could simply pass this off onto one of the other owners of the agency. Normally I was stoic and unbothered by attitudes. Hell, it was why either Cabot or I handled the Hollywood celebrities in the beginning of our company. Fitz and Kasey showed too much emotion for the overly spoiled celebrities, but I found myself having to reign in my irritation with this woman in front of me. Every word or glance seemed to stab buttons I didn’t even know I had. I hated it and I was really starting to dislike this woman.
“Ms. Harrington, glad to see you back so soon.” The words came from the man at the desk, his weathered face showing genuine happiness at seeing her again so soon. What type of pull did this woman have on the elderly? Her father’s secretary had been just as happy to see her. Usually the older people surrounded by money looked down on the trust fund club that Lake seemed to be the president of. The younger generation that had no problem throwing money around to make themselves feel special. Usually drinking too much and taking too many drugs and only managing to bring embarrassment to their families. But when these people spoke to Lake, it was almost like a loving grandparent. Even Landow had spoken of the woman as if she were his own daughter. Something that was in stark contrast with how her own father had spoken about her. I found myself almost glaring at the back of her head, trying to figure out which was the mask and which was the real her. Another point against her that I couldn’t figure out as she turned her attention and direction to the man at the desk.
I watched her through the mirrored wall behind the man, smiling in a very different way than I’d seen her give so far. It lit up her face and made her damn near breathtaking as she gave the old man her undivided attention. “Marshall, I told you I was only going to be gone for a few hours.” Even her voice was different. It held a light, almost tinkling tone that I would love to say was sickeningly sweet. But no, that airy tone was one reserved for catching up with family. I knew well, hearing it from Irene any time she was able to catch me for a chat.
“Oh I know, Ms. Harrington, but usually after a trip to DC, you vanish for a few months to… recover.” His words were sad but held no pity, and I had to wonder just how much Marshall Page knew about his tennant. Of course I knew all about the gray haired man behind the desk who had worked there longer than Lake had owned her condo in the ostentatious building. He’d worked at many hotels throughout his life and had one of the cleanest records Kasey had ever dug up. But that didn’t make him less of a threat than anyone else. Not to mention the fact that he seemed to know Lake enough to comfortably talk about her comings and goings as well as commenting on her relationship with her father. Was the animosity between father and daughter some horribly kept secret? I made a mental note to get Kasey onto figuring out how many people knew of their toxic relationship and who we could cross off the list for the threats. Anyone who saw those two in a room together wouldn’t have tried to elicit a response with the depraved words in those letters. Would have been a damn waste of time.
“Well this time my father had a present for me,” she said conspiratorially, leaning over the desk with a wicked little smirk. She straightened and flew her hand back, barely missing my face, and only then because I pulled my head back slightly. She didn’t notice as she continued to Marshall, “Isn’t he pretty? I hear he can do tricks too.”
I wasn’t sure which part of her statement pissed me off more. The fact that she’d called me “pretty” or the fact that I’d been reduced to a pet that did tricks. The glower meant for her was instead turned on the elderly man as he finally turned to take me in. He’d been avoiding any kind of acknowledgement with me prior, probably out of respect for his resident and whoever she may be bringing up. Now he was openly taking in my pissed off expression, his gaze falling to my side arm that I hadn’t tried to hide with a subtle buttoning of my suit. I wanted the gun on display; it told people to fuck off if they were brave enough to ignore my towering presence. I had intimidation down to an art and it was the best used weapon in my arsenal.
“Are you alright, Lake?” The fear was present in his slightly shaky tone, the formalities of her name dropped as he looked at me like I might be a hitman instead of a bodyguard. Hits hadn’t been my gig for a while, but I had no problem making sure anyone around Lake feared me.
“I’m perfectly fine, Marshall, don’t worry. Deck and I met back when he was working security for the Senator. We’ve been… catching up.” She gave the old man a wink as she stepped back from the desk. “Now I hate to gossip and run, but I have a bit more packing to do before the stud and I head to The Hamptons. Still have to decide if I’m even going toneedthe swimwear this season.”
With every effortless lie that fell from her glossed lips, I felt the beast inside me trying to jump the chain I kept it tightly leashed with. Deck. The nickname was used only by those close to me. Family or my co-owners of RP. When she’d used it so casually, something else inside me had growled low and deep, waking with the irritation. I had no idea what that unwanted emotion was, but I wasn’t going to waste time thinking about it because she was stepping closer to me, her hand casually stroking down my stomach in a show of possession. I refused to ponder the reason her very touch felt like flames licking down my stomach in a path straight to my…
Her finger hooked into the belt loop of my pants and gave a small tug toward the elevator, and my feet were moving. I could feel the rage rattling its cage as she led me on her makeshift leash. I let her maneuver me into the elevator, her back to the door and stopped dangerously close. To the man behind the desk we looked to be almost embracing, even though the only contact between her body and mine was that finger still looping into my fucking pants. But she was still so close that the hint of perfume I hadn’t noticed before lingered in the minute space between us and rage was starting to war with the stirring of interest to get even closer. Dropping my gaze down to her exposed throat, I could see the flutter of her pulse beneath her skin. She was nervous by our proximity and she should have been. She’d led me around like a toy in the most insulting way that had my dick twitching far too close to her hand hooked into my pants. I was pissed and inexplicably turned on in a way that only managed to piss me off even more.
Marshall was still watching us as I realized we hadn’t actually pressed the button for the floor of her condo, so I reached around pressing the button with my right hand as my left snaked up the side of her neck, my thumb resting on her racing pulse. Her breath hitched in her throat and those full lips fell open slightly as she stared into my face, my stoic mask still firmly in place. The show was for Marshall as my fingers continued their upward exploration to her jaw, and Lake let her head drop minutely to the side for more access. A simple lover’s touch promising more to come, that was what anyone else would see between us as the doors closed finally breaking us from the watchful gaze of the elderly man.
The instant we were cut off from prying eyes, my hand dropped away from her and I refused to even think about the tingling at the tips of my fingers that seemed to want to continue exploring her soft skin. Instead I loosened the leash on my anger and let it snap at this woman who was more incendiary to my calm than a fucking bomb.
“Deck?” The question came out a growl between clenched teeth as I fought the urge to back her against the mirrored wall of the elevator. Corner her the way she’d cornered me into this stupid little game.
I didn’t even have to move as the savagery of my question had her jumping back and away from me, her finger finally leaving the loop at my pants as she almost smacked into the elevator doors. I watched her quickly collect herself and slide that haughty indifference back into place before her eyes rose back to mine. She seemed to inwardly flinch at whatever she saw there, but her words were unwavering as she spoke.
“Marshall is one more piece of bad news away from a heart attack. It was easier on both him and I if he thought you were a shiny new dick to play with. He doesn’t need to know about any of the bullshit my father pulled me into.” She let out a sigh and leaned back against the wall opposite me, still trying to keep a safe distance. “One little white lie to a man who knows how to keep his mouth shut isn’t going to ruin your rep as a big bad bodyguard. Calm down.”