Page 51 of Exception
“Jett needs to keep his hands to himself.”
My gut is churning, and I feel my heart racing. It thumps awkwardly in my chest, and it’s scaring me. I need to get out of here. I need to crouch down and cough, I need to reset my system.
“Fuck,” I say, feeling my heart rate grow more frantic. A tingling has started in my arms and has moved down to my hands, almost like they’re falling asleep. Fuck me, I hate it when this happens, and I know exactly why it is. I’m stressed the fuck out right now. Chase dancing like this, Jett all up in his business. It’s making me lose my motherfucking mind.
My eyes travel up, and I see Chase’s lips pressed against the man’s neck, and I move forward, unable to stop myself. Gonna peel those fingers off of Chase, gonna pull him away and maybe throw a punch in for good measure. I could take Jett. He’s young and skinny. Could knock him right the fuck out.
But before I can get to them, I’m jostled in the crowd and my face starts to grow numb. Goddammit. I need to fix this before I pass out. This happens at the worst of times! I can’t fucking control it.
My eyes swivel back to Chase and Jett, and I debate the possibility of just ignoring my racing heart. But before I can decide what to do, another man moves toward them, someone I’ve seen around. Callum, a rich fuck who lives on the island year-round. Never interacted much with him, but the way his jaw is set and his hands are flexing, I think he’s not too happy about Chase and Jett dancing together.
This gives me a minute. I squat down and cough, resetting my racing heart almost immediately and then stand up, rubbing at my aching chest. My hands are still tingling and my face still feels numb, but while I’m slightly out of breath still, I don’t feel like I’m gonna pass out anymore.
When I turn my gaze back to Chase and Jett, I see Callum looming over the smaller man, his eyes flashing with something I can’t quite make out. Jett lifts his hand and pokes Callum in the chest and then rolls his eyes before grabbing on to Chase’s hand and tugging him away.
Of course, Chase doesn’t fight it, just trudges along after Jett happily. Like that kiss he gave me earlier means nothing. Like I mean nothing. Like I am so easily replaceable.
My entire body clenches with frustration and panic. Callum’s eyes meet mine across the dance floor, and the two of us nod in agreement. Yeah, seems we are in similar situations. Neither of us wants them together. And the reason behind it doesn’t matter. Chase is mine. Jett gets no piece of him.
Callum turns his gaze back to Jett and Chase as they disappear into the distance, and the two of us move at the same time, unable to let this happen.
“Your brat is a little fucker, you know that,” I hiss, and Callum sighs, speaking in his clipped British accent. “And your man is happy to indulge him.”
“Seems to be something we need todiscusswith them,” I murmur and then decide that maybe I won’t be discussing anything. Maybe I’ll just be telling him what to do, not giving him an option. I’m tired of this feeling inside of me, this jealousy. It’s making me fucking crazy.
“Right,” Callum says as we pick up the pace, following Chase and Jett. I have no idea where they’re going, but now they’re jogging, sand kicking up behind them. It’s pissing me off.
“They know we’re chasing them,” I say as we pick up the pace. I’m already winded from earlier, but like hell I’m gonna let them escape.
“I’m going to spank his arse,” Callum huffs, looking like he’s never had to chase a man in his life. But Callum looks athletic, and pretty soon we’re catching up, almost able to reach out and grab on to them. But then Chase does something so fucking ridiculous, I nearly trip in confusion.
He picks Jett up like a football and bolts.
“Gonna murder him,” I huff, and Callum grunts his agreement.
But while Chase is fast, Callum is faster and ends up reaching him a minute later. He grabs on to Chase’s arm and brings him to a stop.
“Stop running, you asshole,” I wheeze as I catch up to them, and Chase puts up a fight for a few more feet but ends up coming to a stop in the middle of the beach, his big body heaving as he slowly sets Jett down.
“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Callum. Go bugger off and eat a dick!” Jett shouts, running a hand through his messy hair.
Callum’s lips purse and he moves toward Jett, grabbing on to his arm roughly and pulling him against his chest.
“Close that bratty mouth before I stuff it full and shut you up.”
Jett’s eyes narrow, and he reaches out and twists Callum’s nipple.
“I’d hate it if you did that,” Jett says, panting a little. “I’d riot.”
Jett reaches out and twists his nipple again. Callum’s gaze is stormy, his jaw working back and forth, like he’s barely able to contain his irritation. So when Jett reaches out to do it again, Callum twists in a way that has Jett bent over, his ass up in the air.
And before I can even blink, Callum’s hand arcs back and lands on Jett’s butt with a loud smack. Birds flutter in the trees, Bob hoots.
Chase and I both pretend like we don’t hear the moan escaping Jett’s lips as Callum stands him up roughly and pulls him into the jungle.
We just watch them go, their forms disappearing into the night, until my gaze is firmly back on Chase who barely looks out of breath, despite having carried another man half a mile.
“What the fuck are you doing?” I ask, my anger returning now that I remember why I’m here. “Why the hell were you carrying him like that? Did you really want to get away from me so badly?”