Page 4 of Four Masked Wolves
And the last thing I remembered before falling asleep was Gaian kissing me.
“Do you remember the last time we got acquainted?” I asked playfully.
Gaian placed his hand on my back, his touch gentle at first. “I do,” he said, guiding me down the stairs, fingers curling around my shoulder. “But this time, it’s going to be different, Pretty Bird. This time, we all get you.”
the diary
“Why don’twe play Truth or Dare?” Thayer said, glancing at the guys. “You guys do remember that it was our favorite game to play in high school, don’t you? We can play the adult version since we’re all grown up.”
“The adult version?” I asked, arching a brow and feeling the warmth grow between my legs. Our Truth or Dare games in high school had gotten a bit freaky, though not as much as I had hoped at the time. “What does the adult version of Truth or Dare entail?”
“Anything we didn’t do in high school, Pretty Bird.”
Which translated to anything rated Rbecause we had done almost everything with each other in high school, like grinding against each other at school dances, making out underneath the bleachers, and even getting close to third base.
It never happened. Dad had forced me to leave town before it could ever happen. He didn’t understand the connection that a human girl like me had with these four beasts. He told me that they would destroy me from the inside out.
He hadn’t known that I wanted them to do that to me all along.
“Anything rated R,” I clarified, “huh?”
“If that’s what you want”—Darius curled his lips into a smirk—“then that’s what you’ll get.”
“Fine,” I said, trying desperately to suppress a smile. “Let’s play.”
Darius must’ve taken that as the go-ahead to get right into it because as soon as I told the guys I wanted a truth to start off the game, he asked, “What’s your deepest, darkest secret?” instead of an innocent warm-up question, like,What is your favorite color?
I gnawed on the inside of my cheek. “Before I left, I stole my dad’s most prized possession.”
What I left out though… was that Dad’s most prized possession was me.
“Lame,” Gaian shouted. “You have to have something dirtier than that, Pretty Bird.”
“Don’t forget that we grew up together,” Thayer said. “We know you better than to believe something likethatis your darkest secret.”
My lips curled into a smile, as I desperately tried to fabricate a wild lie that they would believe so I wouldn’t have to tell them the truth. “Would you believe me if I said I burned my dad’s house to ashes?”
Calder didn’t smile, but the right corner of his lip curled up ever so slightly. Then, he gave me a cold, hard, “No. Now, spill, Pretty Bird.”
Truthfully, I didn’t have many secrets.
But I did have one.
Just the thought of speaking it out loud made my cheeks flush. I glanced at each of them, then to my lap, fumbling with my fingers and swallowing hard. Out of all the times we had moved, all the housekeepers that had come and cleaned my room, nobody had ever figured it out either.
“She has something,” Calder said, his dark gaze focused on me. Though he was the alpha, he wasn’t as loud as the other guys. He had a darkness inside of him, one that lurked just below the surface, but one that I had never seen completely, just glimpses of. He growled, “What is it?”
“Can we not?” I whispered. “Please, I’ll answer any other question.”
“You agreed to the rules. You have to abide by them,” Thayer said.