Page 8 of Four Masked Wolves
Sina’s underwearlay on my dresser.
They weren’t from the Truth or Dare game or even from when I had snuck into her bedroom last night. They were from the day I had found out that she had left Durnbone for good with her dad. It was one of the few fucking things we had found of hers left in the house.
I grasped the panties and tightened my fist around them, her distinct scent rushing through the room. Over the course of the last four years, the smell had faded more and more every single day. But still, it was the only thing I had from her before she had left.
Inhaling deeply, I relaxed only slightly. Not seeing her for four fucking years had driven me fucking mad. It had been her eighteenth fucking birthday when her asshole of a father tore her away from us. I had waited for that day for years because I knew …
I knew what Sina meant to us. It was more than just friendship. It always had been.
After a couple of moments, I glanced at the five a.m. sky outside my window, placed the underwear down on my dresser, and tugged off my shirt to prepare for our morning run. Most of my pack had gone out at four thirty this morning and were flooding back onto pack grounds, but I hadn’t had the damn courage to leave this house.
What if we came back and she was gone?
If we left when everyone was back, then no asshole, like Sina’s father, would make it inches onto my land without someone notifying me. Everyone knew that humans weren’t allowed here, especially after what that fucker had done to us after he took Sina away.
Opening my door, I spotted Gaian, Thayer, and Darius gathered in the hallway, whispering to each other and nodding toward Sina’s closed door. Her soft snoring drifted underneath the wooden door.
“Let’s let her sleep,” Gaian said, following me down the stairs. “It’s early for her.”
For a human. Werewolves and monsters were up and ready for the day at this time. Humans, on the other hand, had always been late sleepers—at least, Sina had, ever since we had been children.
“I’m heading out for a run,” I said, expecting them to follow, like usual. “Come on.”
Darius followed Gaian, and Thayer looked one last time at Sina’s door before descending the stairs. I walked through the back door as if Sina being here didn’t affect me as much as it did. I didn’t want my pack to know how fucking weak this girl made me.
It hadn’t even been a fucking day yet, and I could barely hold myself back last night.
I kicked off my pants and shifted into my wolf, not waiting for the others before I sprinted through the woods. They followed after me, none of us speaking through the mind link or hunting for game, like we usually did.
Everyone felt it—the tension from Sina just being here.
Now that she was back in Durnbone, I wanted her father to know that we wouldneverlet her go. She might’ve thought she was only our best friend back then, but her father had known she meant more than that to us. That fucker had known and still taken her away.
I had torn up that fucking house from ceiling to floorboards, trying to find any clue about where he could’ve taken her that day.
Wind rustled through my fur. I growled and pushed myself harder, wanting the five-mile morning run to be over already. I needed to get back home and read that diary. I hadn’t had a chance last night.
Once we made it back to the house, we were covered in sweat. I collapsed onto one of the kitchen chairs. Instead of making breakfast together, the guys sat beside me, all skirting around what we really wanted to talk about.
“So …” Darius said.
“You got the diary?” Thayer asked bluntly.
After grabbing it from my bedroom, I tossed it onto the table between the four of us and smirked. The leather-bound book glimmered in the sunlight flooding through the windows, the sweet scent of Sina drifting from the pages.
“Open it,” I said.
“You haven’t yet?” Darius asked.
Gaian stared at the diary uneasily and scratched the back of his head. “I don’t know if we should. I mean, it’s her diary. She already read one of the entries to us last night. I don’t think we—”
“Come on, Gaian,” Darius said, grabbing the diary from the center. “Did you not smell how horny she got last night while she was reading the entry to us? She wants us to act out those fantasies of hers.”
Thayer cracked a wicked smile. “To use her.”
Gaian shifted in his seat. “If we—”