Page 4 of Locked Promises
Following them slowly, I find a quiet alcove, where I will have privacy to call my father, and still be able to monitor Chastity.
“Hey, Dad?” I murmur. I watch Mother Superior stand with her head bowed as she prays for Chastity, before she leaves with Jonas and Bastian.
Why did she have to wait so long to show how much she loves Chas?
“What’s going on, Son?”my father asks. Thankfully, he’s used to talking to me at all hours of the day, so six in the morning isn't a surprise.
Unfortunately, he knows my voice so well, he can tell there’s something wrong. I need to update him about the status of our Eve, so this is an official call.
“Chastity Cross attempted to take her life in the Chapel last night,” I report, as I watch Jonas, Bastian, and the headmistress walk away.
“What? Why would she do this? Is there something else you haven’t reported?”My father’s voice is gruff as he picks up the mantle of the Locked Souls Society. I don’t take offense to his tone because I’m used to it.
“Mother Cross told us that Chastity spent the day with her parents,” I explain, not ready to tell my father about her daughter. I don’t have all the details, and I don’t want to speculate. “Dad… Her body is covered in bruises, and she’s been badly beaten. How could that have happened while she was in her father’s care?”
My father makes a small strangled sound and my eyes widen. He’s usually so calm and collected. I can only imagine why he’s upset. A beaten Eve shouldn’t have caused this reaction. He doesn’t know her outside of her importance to the Society.
“Maxen Andrews is not Chastity Cross’ father. Her biological father is a Society member, but I think it's better if his identity is not shared at this time. I want you to retrace Chastity’s steps the day she left Holy Cross and find out what happened. When she wakes up, Levi, you’ll be able to ask her yourself. If I find out the false God was responsible for Chastity’s current state, he will pay dearly for his mistakes. That girl is the boys’ Eve, and is important,”my father reminds me, and I close my eyes in sadness.
How did we fuck this up so badly?
“I know, Sir. The guys have returned to Holy Cross Academy, but Mother Superior has asked me to stay as her proxy as a relative. The nurses and doctors are aware, and Mother Cross signed documentation to support this as well,” I explain.
My father grunts in surprise.“That’s very generous of her. Mother Cross and I have our differences of opinions in how we do things, but this may have shocked her out of her cold shell. I’ll update the Society about these latest developments, and pray for the girl, Son. Something tells me she’s tougher than we think,”Dad says before hanging up.
Sighing heavily, I walk back to the window, watching as the ventilator breathes for my girl.
The sky is clear and beautiful as I play with Angel. I’m happy as I watch her push a car along the mulch where we’re sitting. A gentle wind rustles the tree branches above us, and it feels so peaceful here.
Looking over, the guys are all chatting as they watch us play, and I smile. As I turn back to look at Angel, a small baby sitting next to her tries to eat a piece of mulch, and I reach out to stop her at the same time as her mom.
Blinking, I realize it’s Tempest as she smiles back at me, and suddenly my life is perfect. My best friend is with me, and she has a baby. I love that we get to be moms together.
Storm clouds start rolling across the sky and I bite my lip. “Don’t worry, we’ll pack up and be inside before the rain breaks,” Levi says, coming to squat down next to me and kiss my forehead. Melting into him, I nod.
It’s just a bit of rain, no big deal.
“Whore! You shouldn’t be here. How dare you steal my child from me!” the Mayor roars as he points at me from the sidewalk.
Gasping, I start to cry, scooping Angel into my arms. I need to run. I need to save my baby. Scrambling to my feet, as he stalks across the playground, he rips Angel from my arms while she begins to cry.
Pulling a gun, he shoots each of the guys in succession as I scream. “You should have finished the job when we left you beaten and broken. Whores like you shouldn’t be allowed to live.”
Hiking the wiggling little girl further into his arms, an evil smile plays over his lips as he looks over at Tempest. “Speaking of whores…” He lifts the gun again so it’s against her forehead as I scream.
Tears roll down her face as she cries, but she doesn’t flinch. “Take care of her,” Tempest whispers as he pulls the trigger.
He’s taken everything from me now. Watching his back as he walks away with the last piece of my life, everything goes black.
Tempest is coming soon, and Levi talked Mother Superior into bringing us back to the hospital so we could see Chastity. The boys and I spent the morning sleeping, exhausted from the emotion and pain of the last twelve hours. I can’t believe everything has spiraled out of control so badly.
We have our Eve. Well, kinda.
We thought we were doing everything right, and she was under our noses this entire time. The hospital tiles squeak under our feet as we walk toward the ICU unit. I wonder if they’ll let us sit next to her. I just want to touch her hand, and tell her we’re here.