Page 40 of Locked Promises
I'm still wary about all the sins we've been committing lately, but after tonight, I think God owes us.
Maybe I'll make him suck me off in the shower after we get back to our rooms. I don't know about him, but I don't want to sleep alone tonight.
Bastian comes out of the bathroom and he looks pale.
“You okay, B?” Jonas asks and he nods, stumbling over to the kitchen sink for a glass of water.
I climb to my feet, adjust myself, hiding my smirk as Jonas notices my reaction to him, then walk over to Bast.
“I know you don't want to talk about it, but we're here, Bast,” I tell him, and he spins to face me, gripping my shirt to pull me into a tight hug.
He's shaking, and I run my hand down his back. “I don't ever want to go back to that place again, Ash,” he whispers, and I make a vow here and now that he won't.
I know he doesn't mean the tunnels.
Levi walks in with the pizza, takes one look at us and drops it on the counter, before moving over to us and wrapping his long arms around us tight.
He may be our mentor, but he's always been more like a big brother to us. “The trials are made to break you. Don't let them win. You will defeat these demons and become members of The Society. I have no doubt,” he says, then moves to the cupboards for some plates.
Passing out the pizza, he points to Jonas who's still sitting on the couch lost in thought.
“Show me this ring,” Levi mutters. Jonas shakes his head, then stands and comes over to us. Bast lets me go, and there is color in his cheeks once again.
I grab another beer then take a seat at the breakfast bar. This apartment is small, but it has a nice-size kitchen. Chastity will be happy here, I think. She has room to bake and cook.
Ugh, that photo is fucking with my head. I should just call her. Maybe I'll steal Levi's phone to do it. She will pick up for him.
“I'm kinda impressed. It doesn't look like your jizz, and you put actual diamonds in the band?”
Bast smiles and nods. We wanted Chastity to have a piece of all of us, but we wanted it to be pretty. She deserves to know how we feel.
Well… she did… I still don't know if she even deserves it now.
Someone knocks on the door and Levi scrunches his nose. “Go to my bedroom,” he whispers, then tosses Bast the ring as we head that way. If we are caught out of bed, we could be punished.
Though I don't know who would be knocking on his door at this hour. Watch it be Bridget. She's been gagging for his cock for months.
Jonas shuts the bedroom door, and I plop down onto Levi's bed. I'm fucking wiped and ready to pass out. My sexy time with Jonas might have to wait until the morning. I wonder if Levi would be pissed if I just took a nap right here.
Voices from behind the door have me jolting awake. “Is that Chastity?” I hiss and Bast nods. “How did she get here? Isn't Jacob's place like an hour away?” I ask, and Jonas shushes me. His eyes are wide and he seems nervous.
I can't hear what they are saying, but I do recognize Tempest's voice too.
Well that explains how she snuck in. I climb off the bed and tip-toe over to the door. If someone caught us right now, they would laugh. We look like a bunch of fucking creepers, pressing our ears to the door.
Footsteps sound closer, and we back away just in time for the door to fling open.
Chastity stands there with a smile on her battered face. She's starting to look better, and I think with some makeup, she might be able to hide them for the wedding tomorrow.
“Hey, I heard you guys passed your trial,” she says softly, before looking down at her toes. Bast growls and she jumps a little.
“What have I told you about looking down, Beautiful?” He grunts, and she takes a deep breath before raising her head.
“I know, it's just a hard habit to break,” she mumbles and he nods.
My heart is starting to race with her now here and my hands are shaking. I know I'm about to blow. Jonas must notice because he presses closer to me.
“I'm glad you're here, Chas. We were hoping to talk to you about something,” Jonas says, and she moves back so we can leave the room.