Page 58 of Locked Promises
“Why don’t we get off campus for a bit, so I can run away from my responsibilities?” Levi growls and I giggle.
Standing, Tempest grins next to us. “I could eat,” she says and Levi groans, burying his face in my hair.
“Of course you’re invited, brat,” Levi mutters and Tempest snickers.
“Thank you, you’re such a gentleman,” Tempest teases.
“Ugh, don’t get used to it.” He sighs, and we walk to his car.
* * *
Levi takesus to a cute diner that he promises serves all day breakfast. My stomach is growling, and I sigh happily.
“I really kind of hope they serve milkshakes too,” I confess as we walk in.
Levi looks over at me surprised and I shrug. I’m really craving one. Maybe I’m getting my period early, but I need a chocolate milkshake with whipped cream.
“God, now that I’m away from my mother, that actually sounds delicious,” Tempest agrees.
I’ve always gotten the feeling that her mom wasn’t a good person from our conversations, and I remember that Isabella was always complaining about my weight too. Both of us are perfect though. A splurge meal here and there won’t change anything.
Sliding into the booth, we order, happily finding out they do have milkshakes. Burgers and dessert drinks it is!
The food is just arriving, when Levi’s phone rings. “What terrible thing did I do in another life?” he grumbles, picking up the phone. “I’m being punished for giving my father early gray hairs, I swear. He’s calling me, and he wouldn’t unless it’s an emergency.”
Kissing my forehead, he asks for a box, already picking up the phone to talk to his father. One more kiss and he’s gone before I can fully process that he’s leaving.
Sighing, I look over at my best friend as I sip my milkshake to fortify myself. "Okay, it's time, Temp. Tell me what's been going on. Don't leave anything out."
Chastity sits across from me with her gaze laser focused. I swallow and give her a shaky smile.
“I don't know where to start,” I say with a nervous giggle and she crosses her arms, pursing her lips.
I sigh and take a sip of the water the waitress just dropped off. It was nice of Levi to bring us here.
I don't usually leave the Academy unless he or Chastity needs me for something. My morning sickness is finally gone, and the smell of burgers makes my stomach growl.
“I know you're hiding something, and I would never push, but I have a feeling you want me to know. So, tell me… You said you wanted to wait until I was married,” she mutters and I groan. Tears fill my eyes and I shake my head.
“This is so stupid. You're my best fucking friend. I mean, I've seen you naked before, so this shouldn't be so hard to say.” I sniffle and grab the napkin holding my silverware to wipe my nose.
Chastity shuffles from her side of the booth, stands and then shoves her way next to me,
wrapping me into a hug. I break down. Right in the middle of the diner. She smells like blackberries and vanilla, and I melt against her.
She reminds me of late night cuddles and watching movies. “I will always be here for you, Temp. I was lost for a little while, but I'm back now, and I'm not going anywhere… Does he know?” she asks and I freeze.
“How?” Pulling away from me, she grabs her napkin and dumps the silverware out, before dabbing my eyes.
“Call it a mother's intuition, or a best friend’s, but I had a feeling. What I want to know is, who is the father? And how the heck did you plan to hide this by being a nun?”
My breath comes faster as I realize how silly I was to hide this from Chas. “When I left Holy Cross Academy, after Mother Superior kicked me out, my mother arranged for me to stay with King and his dad,” I explain. “I don’t know why she’d decide to stick me in a small town with a preacher and his son, but I got the feeling that this was my mother’s last ditch effort to tame me.”
Chastity shakes her head. “You’re amazing, and don’t need to be less. Your mother really doesn’t get you,” she mutters. “If you want to find trouble, you will.”
Snorting, I almost spit my next sip of water across the table.Very cute, Tempest.