Page 60 of Locked Promises
Shrugging, I stand. “We figured you got hung up,” I tell him.
Walking out, Levi kisses Chastity’s forehead, and I’m surprised by how jealous I am. I wish I’d had a chance to develop a relationship with Roman and King. I miss how Roman would smirk when he told me I was a brat, before making me scream his name, and I miss the way King would stare at me as if I wasn’t quite real.
I may have been too hasty in leaving, but I didn’t know what else to do, and now I can’t undo it. I have to live with my actions, and decide what my next steps are. Another flutter flits through my stomach, and I force myself to keep my face impassive.
God, Tempest, you’re in so much trouble.
I have always said that Ash’s mouth was going to get him into trouble one day, and I was so right. He woke up annoyed and hung over. Not even the epic orgasm from last night could save the nun, who was in the wrong place at the wrong time, when she asked him if he had dropped something.
Sighing, I lean against the kitchen counter as Ash scrubs the pots and pans from breakfast.
“You really need to learn to curb your tongue, man,” I mutter, ignoring his scowl. “You’re lucky it wasn’t Mother Cross, because it would have been so much worse.”
Snorting, Ash nods. “The woman has it out for everyone. Not even Chastity is safe from her, and that thought pisses me off. I don’t know why I want to protect her…”
“Ash, you need to figure out what you want.” I sigh. “You can’t keep stringing her along. You’re hurting her. I know you have trust issues, but you have to give her a chance or cut her loose.”
Scrubbing extra hard at a stubborn pot, he thinks. “What about the trials, and our initiation? If I decide it’s too much, I’ll never get to be a part of The Society,” he says softly.
The Locked Souls Society is our chance to be a part of something forever. If we do everything we’re asked, we’ll be set for life.
Swallowing hard, my chest tightens at the thought of Ash not being part of this.
“I think it’s about you and Chastity,” I tell him.
“What are you two talking about like gossipy old women,” Levi asks, surprising us both.
“I swear, you need a damn bell,” I grouse, shaking my head. “I was telling Ash that he needs to be more careful about who he snaps at.”
“Uh-huh. Try again. I heard Chas’ name, so what’s going on?”
Huffing, Ash splashes water as he looks at Levi.
“I feel confused, and I’m pissed off about it,” he confesses. I’m actually pretty surprised he manned up and said something. “I’m glad she’s safer now she's married to you, and I understand there’s unknown dangers when it comes to Chastity. She still has the bruises to show for it, even though they’ve faded.”
“Is there a question in there somewhere?” Levi asks, bemused.
“Fuck. Yes, I’m getting to it,” Ash hisses, because there are ears nearby. As long as we’re quiet, we’ll be fine for now with Levi here. “If I choose not to accept her as mine, I’m worried that I won’t be able to be inducted into The Society. Wealth, power, stability, and my family rides on this decision. But I keep hurting her with my insecurities, so maybe it would be better to let her go?”
Levi stares at him for a moment before blowing out a breath. “Your trust issues are always going to be a problem if you’re not willing to discuss them with Chastity. I don’t even know the extent of everything, and if I’m honest, I think she’s buried some of it so she can survive. Her family, fuck, guys. They're truly evil people, outside of Mother Superior and her brother. Mother Superior is ridden by her morals and religion, which causes her to make shit decisions, but she doesn’t truly want to hurt Chastity,” he says.
“What do you mean? She doesn’t remember?” Ash asks, confused.
“When things are so horrific, your mind fractures and makes you forget so you can survive, but it always comes out. Now that Chastity feels safer, I wouldn’t be surprised if her mind forces her to remember. She’s going to need help to deal with this. So if you aren’t comfortable being all in on this relationship, I’ll talk to her. There may be another option for your Eve ritual,” he reveals.
Frowning, I shake my head. “We’ve always been told we had to remain virgins until we earned the chance to be with our Eve,” I argue. “What other option is there?”
“The Society’s Eve has always been a girl who loves sex, who teaches you about the world of sex. It’s hedonistic, and an incredible night. However, afterwards, she goes on about her life, happy with the memories left from the ritual. Chastity is special in many ways, and I can’t help but feel as if you were all handpicked to be hers.” Levi sighs.
“You three have been best friends for years, as close as brothers, and The Locked Souls Society believes you will thrive as members. So they made sure you would all end up here, and many strings were pulled. If it is found that Ash is not a compatible life partner for Chastity, we may need to talk to her to see if she would be comfortable with just one night, no strings attached, so you can still enter The Society,” Levi says, his lips twisting in distaste.
My lips part, and I can’t tell you how much I hate this idea.
“One night?” Ash croaks out. “And then what?”
“And then you live your life,” Levi says gruffly, as if he doesn’t like this conversation either. I don’t like the idea of Ash not being with Chastity, Bastian, and I. But she’s someone I want to build something real with.