Page 71 of Locked Promises
“You’re not so sad anymore,” Levi says, kissing my neck. “And you’re certainly not broken anymore, Little Sinner. You’re mine, and I’m going to help you be the strongest you can be. Fucking sass me, defy me, I’ll always be here for you.”
Smiling sadly, I look up at him from my position. “I know you will, and I love that I’m learning to be myself around you.”
His fingers play with the thin line of skin that’s on display for him above the band of my bottoms. Levi has been slowly pulling my shirts up, as if needing the contact. “I was wrong to follow your grandmother’s dictates so easily,” he confesses. “The Society and my cover were the most important things to me at the beginning of the Academy’s school year, and I wanted to stay on her good side. I didn’t realize how fucked up her zeal for your so-called salvation went. I was wrong, and I want to apologize to you.”
Knowing that he doesn’t do this easily, I stay silent for a beat. “We did a lot of things backwards this year,” I finally say. “But you didn’t know my history, or what my trauma would trigger. I lay all of that firmly at my grandmother’s feet, because I kept telling anyone who would listen, up until I was institutionalized. After that, I stopped talking.”
“Will you tell me about what happened while you were there one day?” Levi asks and I nod.
“I don’t remember a lot, but things are coming back to me,” I tell him. “I’ll tell you what I recall another day. I want to have a good day today.”
“You know what I’m craving?” Levi asks, kissing up my neck. Whimpering, I shake my head.
“What?” I breathe.
“Ice cream,” he growls. “Specifically from your hometown. Want to give me a tour of your favorite places and have lunch there?”
I know he’s trying to change how I feel about that place and I nod. Why not? It certainly can’t hurt anything.
Standing, we clean up our trash, and I stare at the slice of heaven that he brought me to. Setting up his phone on the ground, he pulls me to him.
“I want more photos with my wife, so I can show our future children. Smile for the camera, Little Temptress,” Levi says with a sexy smile. He set up the phone on a timer, and we grin for the camera. Walking over to the phone to check it, he nods smugly. “Just as I thought… my wife is absolutely gorgeous.”
Giggling, I pick up the blanket, shaking my head. “Such a smooth talker,” I tease.
Shrugging, he smirks. “I cannot tell a lie…”
* * *
We havefun driving to my hometown, and I learn what a beautiful voice my husband has. We listen to music and sing the entire way, and I get to see how carefree Levi can be. The Society’s needs usually weigh heavily on his mind, but for our honeymoon, he lets it go. I know that the guys are having their next trial, but Levi assured me that they are covered. David and Jacob are making sure they stay safe.
Taking off my long-sleeved shirt, because it is getting hot, I leave on my pretty fuschia tank top. I rarely wear such bright colors, but we’re on a break from our normal life. It’s so nice to just be, without having to worry about the expectation of others.
As we stroll through Sharon, I point things out to Levi. The library, my favorite coffee shop that’s still here, etc. Levi takes me to lunch first, insisting that ice cream will wait.
“You’re existing on sugar, and if I don’t get some real food into you, you’ll crash and get grumpy on me,” he says with a chuckle.
“God, you’re right. I do need real food,” I groan.
Lunch is delicious. We go to a little bistro that didn’t exist when I lived here before. No one recognizes me, so I can relax and enjoy myself. The steak salad is amazing, and I moan happily around my fork.
“Temptress and her food moans,” Levi grumbles, adjusting his pants.
Rolling my eyes, I enjoy my lunch. “I love food; baking and cooking, but rarely get to do them. I would love to make you dinner tonight, it’ll be fun for me,” I gush.
Levi agrees, and I swear right now I could ask him to stand on his head and he’d make it happen.
After lunch, we take a walk around town. While walking toward the square, the unthinkable happens.
A man with broad shoulders smiles down at a pretty red-head. I stiffen, wondering if I’ll see familiar whiskey colored eyes. Levi frowns, looking down at me. We’re walking very close to them, and I feel as if we’re on a collision course.
“Chastity? Are you okay?” Levi asks.
Wincing, I know my name isn’t a popular one. Sure enough, whiskey colored eyes snap up to meet mine.
“What the hell are you doing back here, Chastity?” Kingston Harlison growls.
“Watch your tone while you’re speaking to my damned wife,” Levi snaps, refusing to take any shit from him, even if he doesn’t know who he is.