Page 85 of Locked Promises
“Do you feel better?” Levi asks, and it’s such a strange question that I laugh.
“I actually do, yes.” I giggle.
“Thank fuck, because I don’t think I could handle your tears if you were upset that you cut your hair. Maybe we could have bought you a wig or something,” he huffs, but there’s a small smile tugging at his lips. “Whatever you need to do to get through this, do it, as long as it doesn’t take you away from me. Is that understood?”
“Yes, Sir,” I whisper, completely in awe of him. I expected him to be upset, confused, or something other than acceptance.
Picking me up, he pushes me toward the shower.
“You have hair all over you. Please shower so I can take care of this glass. Your hair cutting frenzy, I’m sorry to say, is a little choppy, so I may need to book you a hair appointment,” he chuckles.
Slipping my fingers through my hair, I realize he’s right. “I can see what you mean,” I smirk, turning on the shower.
“I love you, Little Sinner. I’m willing to share, but I’ve already licked you, so you’re mine,” he says, his voice going warm and soft. I shiver at what it does to me, wondering if this means there’s something wrong with me.
“Indeed you have, Father Levi.” I grin, getting into the shower quickly when he growls.
Honestly, there’s no one else I would rather be married to after a nightmare and breakdown that awful. I can only hope things get better, and I really will get my baby back.
Levi is gone tonight, and we convinced Chastity to come to the football game. The guys and I have been practicing hard in between all the hospital visits and Society things. Ash is finally off the bench too, and I’m excited he’s getting to play tonight.
Without the sparring, he’s starting to get antsy, and I can only make him sin so much. I know he’s starting to reconsider all that we’ve ever known, and I need to change his mind. I can’t lose him. He’s my family.
“What time did she say she would come?” Bast asks me, keeping watch for Chas and Tempest. Before Levi left, he made sure that we would keep an eye on Chastity. Her memories are returning, and the trauma is much worse than we could have fathomed.
During one of her panic attacks, she chopped off her hair. Levi tried to make her an appointment to get it fixed the next day, but they couldn’t fit her in until this afternoon. Tempest fixed it up the best she could, but I know Chastity will be happy to have it taken care of.
Levi left his car and keys with Tempest. I guess she has a doctor’s appointment today too, so they just went together. I check my phone, but the last message I sent hasn’t been read yet.
“She said she would be here, Bast," I reassure him for the tenth time. He's on edge because his dad texted him this morning. I guess he's coming tonight.
He's trying to make a good appearance for The Society. To act like an upstanding member of society, when we all know the truth.
It amazes me how men of faith can have so many skeletons in their closets. First, Chastity’s fake father, and now Bast’s. I wish we could eradicate all the false Gods.
I shake my head of my murderous thoughts and sigh when my phone buzzes with a text from Chas.
“They are parking now, then heading to the bleachers,” I say, and Ash snorts. He's been keeping his mouth shut, for the most part, but I know he's just biding his time. For what, I don't know yet, but I will figure it out.
“Come on. We have a game to dominate,” I yell with a whoop, and Bast gives me a huge smile. He's got his contacts in and he's blinking a lot.
I laugh and give his shoulder a shove. It's hard to believe in a few days we will be completing our final trial. Soon, our Eve will be in our arms. I can't wait.
“We're going to murder Stone Holy Academy,” Ash growls, then stomps off to the locker room. Coach was getting pissed with all of Bast's pacing, so he told us to go out into the hall.
“Let's do this, Brother,” I say to Bast, and he gives me a fist bump.
* * *
Sweat drips into my eyes,and my chest is gasping for breath. I don't know what is up these dickhole’s asses, but they seem to have an agenda tonight: to take me out.
“Are you good?” Coach asks, and I nod as I limp over to the huddle.
“These jerks need to have their asses handed to them,” Bast growls, and we all grunt in response.
“Cover Jonas and get the ball to the endzone,” Ash barks and we all clap, then get into position.