Page 5 of My Liar
“I can’t leave you two to fight in here.”
“Oh, I won’t hit her. Trust me. But I need to discuss something else she can do to make things right.” I stare at Ava. “Or at least make it where I don’t feel the need to put my fist in her face.”
Savannah looks hesitant but eventually walks out, leaving only me and Ava in the locker room.
“I know there’s nothing that will make up for what I did. I never thought it would get to that point though. And I never thought Lenny would be capable of what he was going to do. He got what he deserved.” Her angry words actually make me want to hurt her a little less. But not much as she continues, “Just name it, Morgan, whatever I can do for you.”
“Here’s the thing… how can I trust you?”
“You can’t. I know that. But let me show you. Even if we weren’t ever actually besties, I never meant for it to get that far. And I really don’t want you to hate me and hit me every time you see me.”
“Can’t say that urge will ever go away.” I cross my arms over my chest and lean back against the cold metal of the locker as I debate for a split second whether she’s up for the task. “Hope you’re up for it. Because if you fail, the outcome will be worse this go-round.”
“I’ll figure it out. Whatever it is.”
“My dad. You’re gonna get close to him and get him to fuck you. And I need you to have proof.”
“What?” She panics a little.
“But if you can’t handle it—”
“No, I will. I just don’t understand.”
“You don’t need to.” I simply need to have a backup plan in case he gets the upper hand on Mom. At least this way, his defense for voiding the prenup based on the infidelity clause will be killed too. “Just fuck him and have proof. I don’t want to see it. And I don’t plan on letting anyone else unless it comes to that. But don’t worry, it won’t be pep rally viewing material.” She must understand how important this is to me since I’m actually being nice to her. I can’t let Dad walk away with what he wants and will make him happy.Myfamily’s wealth. Besides, her having to fuck my dad is punishment enough. Yuck.
“What about your mom? I can’t do that to her.” Ava is already trying to get out of it, but now that I’ve thought about it, this is the best backup plan.
“Don’t worry, you’ll be doing my mom a favor.” I stupidly go ahead and tell her, “I doubt they’ll stay together much longer, and she’s been getting plenty of dick elsewhere. So, I need to know if you can handle this.”
She takes a few steps back and sits on the metal bench nearby, her hands on her lap as she picks at her nails. “If I do this, will you swear not to attack me or do something to hurt me?”
“You get this done and we’ll be as close to being even as possible. But know, if you ever even think about crossing me again, no one will stop me from killing you.”
“It’s a deal. I’ll get the proof, but it might take me some time to get it done. I doubt he’ll just jump into bed with a student, especially since we’re friends.”
“No, we’re not friends. And he knows that.”
“That’s it.” She looks like she’s had a realization. “I’ll play up the angle that we’re enemies now, and I’ll look to him for comfort.”
“Ew. I don’t need details. I just need to know when it’s done.” The sooner, the better. But for this, I’ll be patient. Especially when the end result will be so satisfying.
“My office, Crawford,” Coach shouts as we head to the locker room. Practice had been bad enough, now I have to go deal with whatever bullshit in his office. This day has been one of the longest in my entire life, and it doesn’t feel like it’s going to ever end.
When I enter his office, he motions to the door, so I close it behind me then look back to him as he instructs, “Have a seat.”
“I’m good standing.”
He assumes a reclined position in his chair and takes a long, lingering look over me. “How do you think practice went?”
“It was shit. Like everything else in this place.”
Coach lets out a little chuckle. “At least you know when you’re fucking up.” He stands, then takes a self-assured stance leaning against the edge of his desk. “And you have to know that stunt you pulled this morning was a big fuckup that I won’t allow to happen again.” He pushes off the desk and stops when he’s in front of me. “So, keep that in mind the next time you want to protect that cunt. I won’t hesitate to bury you and your little friends if you even think about laying a finger on me again. You never know, it might come down to a choice one day between you, her, or all of you.”
Wow. The more he talks, the more I realize how much he hates her—or maybe he’s afraid of her because he knows there’s no way to control her. Nothing he could use to blackmail her. Shit. Even if he threatened her with the knowledge of Lenny’s murder, she wouldn’t be afraid. More than likely, Morgan would probably dare him to act on the threat. Because nothing scares her. Besides, even if he did try to turn her in to the police, she’d have some scheme to get revenge on him that’d be twenty times worse. And her father knows that. “I thought you hated her at first, but I think the reality is you’re scared of her. Because she’s the only one you can’t control.”