Page 9 of My Liar
“True. Coach had Johnson fill in as kicker at practice yesterday, and he seems like he’s gonna work out better than Lenny. Guess we’ll know for sure Friday.”
“Yeah. Okay.” I don’t want to think about the game. I just want to get through today. When I pull up Lenny’s contact, I go to the information and look at the phone number. Same one. There’s no way. Right?
Someone could be fucking with us, but why contact Topher? He doesn’t even know. It’s not like somebody could have Lenny’s phone, either way. The guys dealt with it along with his corpse. At least they said they did.
“Morgan, did you hear me?”
I look to Topher. “No, what?”
“Ava really does care about you. Maybe now since she’s away from that dickhead, y’all can finally be real friends.”
“Not likely.” Actually, it’s more likely that Lenny will show back up at school than for me to ever be friends with that bitch.
“Think about it. Just give her a chance,” Topher calls out as I walk away. Apparently, her pussy was good enough for him to think a little more of her than most. Regardless, she doesn’t warrant a chance from me, and right now my only focus is my search for Ryder.
I find him already in class. When he spots me in the doorway, he’s out of his chair and headed my way. “What’s wrong?” he whispers.
I move to the side of the hallway which is mostly cleared out. “Where is that dipshit’s phone?Topheris getting messages from it.”
It takes Ryder a few seconds before he realizes. “From Lenny’s phone?”
“Yes. I checked the number, and it’s the same.”
Ryder has a bit of panic on his face. “We got rid of it. There’re apps and stuff that can fake numbers. Are you sure it was his phone or just his number?”
“Do I look like I know how to tell if it’s a hacked phone number or not?”
“No, but you do look like a shit stirrer so let me handle this.” Ryder goes to walk away, then tells me over his shoulder, “Seriously, Morgan. Just let me check into it before you go off the rails. It might be someone fishing for information on Lenny’s whereabouts, or it could even be Dad trying to get more leverage against us.”
“Just so you know, I don’t give a fuck who it is. I’ll deal with them whenever they stop hiding behind a screen like a little scared chump.”
“Great.” Ryder shakes his head, and from his frustration and sarcasm, he doesn’t actually think anything about this is great.
But I’m not lying about this one. It could only be a few people, none of them Lenny, but all of them will get what’s coming to them if they want to play some mindfuck game. My top two guesses are Dad or Ava. Did she spill the beans to him about what I asked her to do? No way. I can’t trust her, but there’s not a chance she’s ignorant enough to cross me again. I truly hope not for her sake.
When I walk into first period, she’s sitting at her desk, so I motion for her to come out into the hallway. She hurries out, eyes wide with shock as she stares to me.
“Was it you?” I ask, waiting to gauge her reaction. She’s not a good liar. I should be able to tell if she’s lying just from her lack of skills if it is her.
“Was what me?”
“The messages being sent to Topher from Lenny’s phone?”
Panic morphs on her face. “What messages?”
My gut is saying it’s not her, but I’m not fully convinced. “You know, the usual messages from the grave, ‘watch your back’ and shit.”
“No. It wasn’t me. I swear.” The panic in her voice is believable.
“What about Dad? Did you say something to him?”
Her head shakes vigorously. “No, no. I told him how I was so tired of fighting with you. He told me to give up our friendship and quit the squad. So I told him I didn’t want to be your friend, but I couldn’t quit because my mom wanted me to cheer. Plus, I might’ve added some flattery about cheering for the great football team and our brilliant and amazing coach.”
“Gross. Again, I don’t need details.” I step closer to her. “I only need to know you’re not playing both sides. Because I guarantee, if you pick his, you won’t be on the winning side.”
She takes in a shaky breath, her eyes looking down to the floor before returning to mine. “One thing I know for sure is I won’t ever go against you again. Believe it or not, I actually did consider you my best friend.”
“That sucks for you.” I take a step back and smirk. “Because I don’t have friends, just followers.” And what none of them comprehend is the only place I’m headed is hell.