Page 100 of Summer Escape
She’d stopped with the grounds in her hand but moved again at his prompting. As she filled the water tank for the machine, she looked out of the kitchen window, where an airplane divided the pale blue sky with its vapour trail.
“How come you didn’t fly back from Scilly?” she asked, remembering her conversation with Mirren. When he didn’t reply, she couldn’t figure out if he hadn’t heard or if he was deciding how to answer. “Your mum mentioned that you got the ferry. Doesn’t that make it a long trip for you?”
“Yes … But I had a lot of stuff to bring back. The weight limit on the plane is restricting.”
She set the coffee machine running, then turned to face him, leaning back against the sideboard. “What did you have that was so heavy?”
“A bunch of Lowen’s pottery,” he said with a nervous smile.
Beth’s eyebrows darted upwards. “The set for your ex?”
“I didn’t realise you were bringing it back for her.”
“Neither did I until the last minute.”
The thought that they’d been in touch bothered Beth. As did the fact that they were obviously still on good terms if Trystan had changed his plans to accommodate her. “Did she like the plates?”
“She hasn’t picked them up yet. I think she’ll come to collect them next weekend.”
Beth busied herself getting mugs out of the cupboard. “Did you also leave St Mary’s earlier than planned?”
“Yeah.” He sneaked up behind her, making her smile when he slipped his arms around her waist. “It was no fun being there after you left.”
Setting the mugs aside, she turned in his arms and softly kissed him. “It’s so lovely having you here,” she told him.
“I like being here,” he said, giving Beth the perfect opportunity to ask if it would happen more regularly.
Before she could get a word out, she was interrupted by footsteps on the stairs, then Ellie running in and launching herself into Beth’s arms.
“I missed you,” Beth said, squeezing her daughter and inhaling the scent of her hair.
“I missed you too, Mummy.”
“Were you very good for Trystan?”
“Yes. I think so.” She looked to Trystan for confirmation.
He’d taken over with the coffee but paused and smiled at her. “You were.”
Ellie beamed proudly at Beth.
“You’re getting far too heavy for me,” Beth said as she set Ellie down and took her drink from Trystan.
Ellie stared up at him. “Are you going to live here now?”
“Um …” He opened his mouth a few times, then glanced nervously at Beth.
“Trystan just had a sleepover with us. Like you and Ferne have sleepovers sometimes.”
Seemingly satisfied by the answer, Ellie moved to the table and clambered onto a chair. “What’s for breakfast?
“Toast or cereal,” Beth said, distracted by Trystan, who was staring into his coffee. “Or I could make eggs if you want?”
His head pulled up slowly as he registered she was talking to him. “What?”
“For breakfast … eggs?”