Page 119 of Summer Escape
He smiled widely but his eyes flickered with uncertainty. “And you said you still have the sperm that you used for Ellie?”
The question threw her and she felt her brow crinkle. “Yes ... I mean I have access to it. Why?”
“I didn’t know if you’d want to use that. So the baby would be Ellie’s full sibling. I love Ellie and I’d love another baby, regardless of their DNA.”
Beth slipped her hand around the back of Trystan’s neck and twisted her fingers into his hair. “I love you so much. And I love that you’d be fine with that. But I’d rather use your sperm if that’s okay?”
His eyes sparkled in delight. “I think I can probably get you access to some.”
A laugh burst out of her and she leaned to kiss him.
“So we’re really doing this?” he asked. “We’re going to have a baby?”
“We’ll try,” she said, aware that they might be getting their hopes up for nothing. “It might not happen though ... we should keep that in mind …”
“It’s fine if it doesn’t happen,” he said, stroking her hair from her face. “I don’t want it to be something we stress about. Let’s try though. See what happens.”
“Okay,” she said, nodding her agreement, but knowing her hopes were already sky high and she’d be crushed if it didn’t happen for them.
A delicious smile lifted his lips as he pulled her close. “Let’s give it a go then,” he murmured right before their lips met.
Beth pulled back abruptly. “Now?”
“Unless you’ve got something else in mind for the evening?”
Grinning widely, she leaned into him again. "I’ve got no plans.”
The following morning, Beth was already awake when the door to the bedroom eased open. She managed to drag the bedding up over Trystan before Ellie got a full view of his naked backside.
“Morning,” Beth whispered, pressing a finger to her lips before ushering Ellie out onto the landing. “Let’s let Trystan sleep in today.” She smiled to herself, thinking of their late-night activities, which would definitely have left him in need of a little extra sleep.
“I can’t find my pony,” Ellie said as they walked down the stairs. “The one that Keira and Noah gave me. Can I go to Mirren’s house and see if it’s there?”
“Not now. She’ll still be asleep. We’ll look for it later. Are you hungry?”
“Yes. But I want to find the pony. What if it’s lost forever?”
“It won’t be. We’ll have some breakfast and then have a good look for it.”
Ellie ate a bowl of cereal while continuing to complain about the lost toy. The two of them did a sweep of the cottage after they’d eaten but there was no sign of it.
“Can I wake Trystan up and ask him if he knows where it is?” Ellie asked impatiently.
“I’m sure it will be at Mirren’s house.” Beth checked the kitchen clock. It was still early, but she supposed Mirren wouldn’t mind if she went in to look for the toy. The door was probably unlocked, and if not there was a spare key on Trystan’s key ring. She plucked it from the counter.
“You stay here,” she said to Ellie. “I’ll go and look.”
“It might be near the Christmas tree. Or in the kitchen.”
Beth grabbed Trystan’s hoodie from the back of the couch, pulling it on as she stuffed her bare feet into her trainers.
Outside, the air was crisp and everything was still except for the gentle swell of waves and the boats rocking on top of them out in the bay. Daylight seeped onto the horizon in a soft yellow glow and a gull shrieked on the beach as she stepped onto the lane. Pausing, she inhaled the silence and the sea breeze, smiling to herself as she wondered what the new year might have in store for her.
After inhaling her fill of salty air, she continued on her way. As she expected, the backdoor was unlocked at Mirren’s place and she snuck quietly into the kitchen.
With no sign of the pony there, she moved to the living room. As soon as she switched the light on, she caught sight of the little horse sitting under the Christmas tree.