Page 4 of Summer Escape
“Yep.” He focused on twisting the next balloon, then handed it over to Ellie. “Thank you for helping me drive. You can come and work for me when you’re older.”
“I’d like to be a train driver,” she said.
“I think you’d be very good at it.” He took his phone from his pocket and tapped away. “Sorry. I’m being summoned. Trystan’s just arrived back and the whole family is meeting in the pub for a drink. Do you fancy joining us?”
Beth stared at him, surprised and touched by the offer. “Thank you, but I think we’re going to find a cafe for dinner.”
“The food in the pub is good.”
“I don’t want to intrude on your family reunion. Especially since I probably won’t be your brother’s favourite person when he finds out that Mirren’s letting us stay longer in his house.”
Kit chuckled. “I promise you he’ll be fine with it.”
“The amusement on your face makes me think he’s actually going to hate me.”
“No chance!” Kit backed away from them. “Are you sure I can’t tempt you?”
She shook her head. “Thanks for the offer. And for the train trip. We had a great time.”
The Trenearys had all been so kind, but there was no way she could impose on their family time.
It took Trystan a minute to spot his mum through the crowd at the Mermaid Inn. The start of the school holidays always meant an influx of holidaymakers, and the bustle in the nautical-themed pub reflected it. Mirren was sitting at a long table at the back of the room with his youngest brother, Kit.
“What happened to my welcome committee at the airport?” Trystan asked as he embraced his mum.
“Keira was supposed to pick you up,” she told him. “But she got held up on a work call. Kit was working, as are Noah and Seren.” She glanced behind the bar at them. “I had a dentist appointment.”
“I felt very unloved,” he said jokily, giving Kit a hug before they all took a seat.
“How was the flight?” his mum asked.
“Fine. It’s nice to be back.” Usually, he’d just fly in for short visits. This time he was staying for a whole month, and the extended stay was welcome.
“I have something to tell you …” His mum took a sip of her wine and looked slightly sheepish.
He rolled his eyes. “Why do I get the feeling I’m not going to like it?”
“Because you’re not,” Kit said, amused.
“Not going to like what?” Seren asked, appearing behind Trystan. She gave him a playful kiss on the side of his head in greeting, then moved around the table and slipped onto the bench beside Kit, discreetly entwining her fingers with his. It was the first time Trystan had seen them as a couple, and it took him off guard for a moment before his lips twitched to a discreet smile.
Kit gave Seren a sidelong glance that was full of mirth. “Mum was just about to tell him about …you know?”
Trystan sighed. “Someone better just tell me.”
“There’s a small problem with the cottage,” his mum began, shrinking back into her seat.
“Mycottage?” he asked.
Kit chuckled. “Mum told the guests they could stay longer … so you’re stuck at Mum’s place.”
“Stuckthere?” Mirren said, clicking her tongue. “No need to make it sound quite so terrible.”
“Are you serious?” Trystan asked. “You’ve promised my cottage to someone without checking with me first?”