Page 6 of Summer Escape
“You too,” Keira said, chuckling. She hadn’t been together with Noah for very long, but she fit right in with their family. It felt as though she’d been around for years, not just a matter of months.
Craning his neck, he caught Noah’s eye and beckoned for him to bring him a drink. “How’s it going working on the train?” he asked Keira.
“I love it,” she replied. “I’m very excited for next week. I’ll be taking the train tours every morning in August.”
Trystan looked at Kit. “You’re helping with the kids’ club?”
“Yeah. And teaching some swimming lessons too.”
“That’ll be good,” Trystan said, just as Noah reached over and put a drink in front of him. He stood to hug him.
“I heard Keira failed at picking you up?” Noah said.
“You need to choose your girlfriends better in future.”
“Tell me about it,” he joked, then dodged out of the way as Keira swiped at his leg.
“Have you finished your shift?” Keira asked him.
“Yeah, finally. It seemed to go on forever today.”
Seren groaned as she stood up. “If you’re finished, I should probably get back to work.” She gave Kit a quick kiss before leaving them.
“You two are so cute,” Keira said to Kit. “I’m really happy you finally got together.”
“You and me both,” Kit said. “Though it still feels a bit surreal.”
Their mum squeezed his shoulder. “I think you make a lovely couple.”
“Are you ready to go?” Noah asked Keira.
“Aren’t we eating here?”
“I’d rather not. We’ve got leftovers at home.”
“Trystan’s just arrived,” she pointed out.
“You don’t mind if we catch up another time, do you?” Noah looked down at Trystan and put a hand over his mouth to cover a yawn.
“No. We’ve got all summer.”
Noah tipped his chin at Keira. “Let’s go home.”
“You’re very lucky,” Trystan said, raising his eyebrows at his mum. “I’d really like to go home too.”
Noah slapped a hand on his shoulder. “I heard Mum told Beth and Ellie they can stay longer.”
“It seems as though they’ve made friends with everyone,” Trystan remarked.
“The little girl’s very sweet,” Noah said. “She spent most of the week sitting in the window, getting excited when she saw any of us pass by. Yesterday she invited me in for a tea party with her teddies. Practically dragged me inside. Her mum was mortified.”
“So long as they know it’s just a couple of extra days,” Trystan said, shooting his mum a quizzical look.
“I told you it’s only until Wednesday.”
“Good.” He could cope with that.
After dinner in the pub, he left his mum chatting with a couple of her friends and set off for home alone. He’d pretty much forgotten about the guests in his cottage as he ambled through Hugh Town and out towards Old Town. Staying with his mum for a few days wasn’t such a bad thing anyway. A smile pulled at his lips as he walked the familiar lanes. The salty air in his lungs seemed to take all his stress with it.