Page 62 of Summer Escape
“No problem. I can also offer swimming lessons.”
Her brow creased in confusion. “What?”
“I volunteer at the lifesaving club. There’s a summer camp during August in the mornings. We have swimming classes and teach water safety and do some sailing and various other activities. It’s for island kids really, but I managed to pull some strings and get Ellie in for next week, if you want. I’m not sure about the week after yet. She’d be one of the youngest, but I think she’d really enjoy it.”
Emotions bubbled up in Beth’s chest until it felt as though she might choke. “I’m sure she would,” she said, her voice brittle.
“It’s 9.30 to 1.30 Monday to Friday,” Kit went on. “They have lunch there. I’d be with her the whole time and I’m sure she’d make friends quickly. Do you think she’d be up for it?”
“I … um …” She put a hand over her mouth as her lip trembled and tears pooled on her lower lids. “Sorry. I’ll be back in a minute.” Keeping her head down, she scurried inside. She sank onto the couch in the living room and heaved in deep breaths.
“Did I say something wrong?” Kit asked, appearing in the doorway.
“No.” She smiled through her tears. “You’re all so kind. I just got a bit overwhelmed.” Sniffing loudly, she ran her fingers under her eyes to catch the tears. “Just ignore me. It’d be great if Ellie could join the kids’ club. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” He sat beside her and put an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a side hug that she happily leaned into.
They were interrupted by Trystan clearing his throat.
“I thought you were joking when you said you had a thing for my brother,” he said, his eyes sparkling with mischief.
“I never said that,” she said to Kit, who only grinned before walking away, giving Trystan a friendly punch on the arm as he passed him.
“Are you okay?” Trystan asked.
“Yes.” She crossed the room to stand squarely in front of him, resting her hands at his waist. “I just got a bit emotional. Kit said Ellie can go to the kids’ club next week … although I guess you already know about that.”
He shrugged. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
“I don’t believe you. You knew I was worrying about swimming lessons. You also knew how grateful I was to get an hour to myself this afternoon.” She leaned into him, inhaling his scent at his neck. “Thank you.”
“It was nothing.” He clasped his arms behind her back. “I mean, barely a day goes by that I don’t put Kit in a headlock and threaten him about something, so there was really nothing to it.”
“You better not have!” She pulled back and gave him a mock stern look.
“No. I asked him nicely and he was very happy to help.”
“I feel as though I’m being spoiled rotten by you Trenearys.” Pushing onto her toes, she kissed him softly.
He flashed a playful smile. “Wait until we hand you the invoice at the end of your stay.”
Four hours to herself felt like such a gift for Beth, but after two hours alone on Monday morning the novelty of it faded. Not that she hadn’t enjoyed her swim, or that reading a book while sunbathing on the beach wasn’t bliss. Itwasbliss but when she found herself reading the same page for the third time she put the book aside and picked up her phone. After scrolling through the recent messages between her and Trystan, she chastised herself for being insecure enough to search for some hidden meaning in the words when he probably meant exactly what he’d said in his message that morning. She’d asked what he was doing and he’d told her he was snowed under with work.
It wasn’t as though she’d specifically invited him to do something and he’d turned her down. But he knew Ellie was at the kids’ club and Beth had assumed that she and Trystan would spend the time together. And, if she was completely honest, she’d imagined some of that time might be spent in his bedroom.
But he had to work, and she shouldn’t be spending her time overthinking everything and feeling rejected. Packing up her beach things, she pulled her tote bag onto her shoulder and set off for a walk along the coastal path. The stunning views were a nice distraction, and she stopped regularly to take photos.
As happy as she was to have the child-free time, she was also happy to see Ellie again at pick-up time at the lifesaving club.
“Mummy!” she squealed, running over to her and crashing into her.
“Did you have a nice time?” Beth asked, crouching to her level.
“I had to kick my legs like a frog to swim. And we had sandwiches and ice cream. And I’ve got a new friend.” She turned around and waved furiously at a little girl with brown curls who waved back just as enthusiastically. “That’s Steph. She’s my best friend.”
“That’s nice.”