Page 107 of Signature Of You
“Met with Malcom today.”
I nodded and he pushed back in this chair, shifting a little to the left so that he was completely facing me.
“Yeah, me and Drew.”
“Sheets there?”
“No, not in our meeting. I wanted to lay everything out for Malcom and give him a chance to handle things.”
“Everything like what I told you?”
“Yeah and if he’s smart, he’ll do the right thing.”
“Which is?”
“Put a leash on his son.”
“And if he doesn’t?”
“I’ve got some things in place. Nothing you need to worry about. This…” I pointed to the sound board. “Is where your focus needs to be.”
“And what about yours? What’s your focus right now?” His eyes met mine. He knew the answer but wanted me to say it. I wasn’t sure what he had invested in my situation with Cadence but he was invested.
“Finishing this album and closing that chapter of my life. I’ll have a lot more weight on my shoulders when I leave Privilege.”
“But that’s what you want, right?”
“Yeah, I’ve given enough. It’s time.”
My talent.
My money.
My loyalty.
“You should have left a long time ago.”
“Maybe.” He turned back to the soundboard and leaned toward the laptop, allowing his fingers to dance across a few keys.
“We’re both starting over, Liq. I need you to make me a promise.” I had his attention but he didn’t say anything. Just let me keep going. “You have to promise that I’m your first option not your last.”
When his eyes narrowed I angled my head to the side just a bit. “I know why you kept things from me. I understand that you thought it was the best option at the time.” I exhaled a sigh. “It wasn’t. Things got out of control with both of us and they didn’t have to. You could have come to me.Shouldhave come to me…”
“I know…” he murmured, offering a tight nod before his eyes turned away from me.
“We’re both starting over. I mean that. Nothing in the past matters, aight.” He still wouldn’t look at me.
“It matters.”
“No, it doesn’t. The only thing that matters is what we do moving forward. You can’t change a damn thing about what happened before. Neither can I. We can, however, make sure we’re in this together moving forward but in order to do so, I need you to promise that when shit gets complicated, no matter what the situation, how bad you think it might be, no matter how much it might hurt, I’m your first option. The only accepted alternative is Drew. You come to me or you come to Drew and no matter what it is, we got you, aight.”