Page 111 of Signature Of You
“I didn’t do anything.” Another grin spread across his face. However, this one was more mischievous and punctuated by a sexy as hell gleam in his eyes.
“Yes you did and you’re doing it now. This you is different from the man I know. This is the real you.”
“Nah…” He shook his head lightly, angling his face toward mine. Goodness this man was a lot. There was no part of him that I could experience without wanting to touch and explore. “This is the image. The man they expect me to be. You’ve had the real me since the day I walked into that bar and laid eyes on you.”
“You’re good.”
He laughed lightly, brushing the lightest touch of his lips over mine. “I’m honest. You don’t get a performance. You get the real thing.”
“What if I want a performance?”
“You can have whatever you want, Cadence. I’m pretty sure I’ve already made that clear.”
I caught sight of someone approaching and turned to face a guy who wasn’t too bad on the eyes smiling as he waited patiently for our attention.
Beside me, Jaasir lifted his head. “What happened to rolling out the red carpet?”
The man chuckled and pointed to where we were seated. “I’m pretty sure I did. Last I checked this was Diamond VIP. Is that not good enough for you, Sol?”
His eyes moved to me. “Or maybe you’re just trying harder than usual to impress her.”
Jaah glanced at me before he stood and extended a hand to the guy. “I don’t need all that with her. She’s here for me, not the perks I have access to.”
The two of them shook, embracing in a quick hug before Jaah was seated again. His arm found its way over my shoulders and I moved deeper into his side. “Cadence, this is Dom Kincaid. A friend who I value enough to save his ass tonight with a last minute performance.”
“Don’t let him make you think he’s doing me any favors. I’m going to end up paying for this one way or another.”
Jaasir laughed and Dom’s smile expanded. “Nice to meet you, Cadence. Welcome to Black Diamond. I assume this is your first time here.”
“It is.” My eyes drifted to Jaah.
“I hope you enjoy your experience here with us tonight. If you need anything at all, even someone to handle him for you, you ask for me.”
Jaasir laughed again, but deeper and a lot more animatedly.
“This nigga can’t do shit for you. Don’t let him fool you. His wife is the one who’s really in charge. Where she at anyway?”
“Not here tonight. She had a prior engagement but sends her love. She was pissed when she found out you were performing.”
“I’m sure she was…”
“Easy, Sol. That’s the one thing I don’t play about.”
Their banter was easy and light but I sensed that he meant what he said about his wife.
“Indeed I do.” Jaah’s eyes landed on my face before he gave Dom his attention again. “Tell her I said hello and I hate she couldn’t be here tonight.”
“I will. You two enjoy and if you need anything you let me know. Thanks again for this.”
“No thanks needed, fam.”
Dom left us just as our drinks arrived. Janae didn’t stay long but while she placed everything on the table, I dug my phone from my purse and pulled up the app that I’d installed before leaving the house.
To put me at ease, Jaasir had a nanny cam delivered and set up once I agreed to let Gracie stay at the house with his brother. I trusted him with Gracie.
He had proven to be an asset when it came to my very spirited child. The two got along great and he had become a lifeline when I needed a minute to just breathe.
“You worried?” Jaah’s low rasp landed at my ear as he leaned into me to gain access to what I was looking at.