Page 118 of Signature Of You
“I am.”
“Then just know that he’s the best decision you could ever make.”
Drew glanced at me then left my office, closing the door behind him once he was on the other side.
“You good?” She nodded and smiled but I could tell she still wasn’t one hundred percent on board. At least I thought she wasn’t until she spoke again.
“I want us to talk to Gracie. She’s young but she’s smart. If Gracie hears the words father or dad attached to your name and hers, she’s going to have questions. They might be simple questions but she’ll have them. If we’re doing this then I want her to be prepared.”
“Has she ever asked about her father?” I was curious to know what I was up against.
“A few times.”
“And what did you tell her?”
“That her father wasn’t ready to meet her but one day he would be and when he was, he was going to love everything about her.”
“You considered allowing Dresden to be a part of her life?”
The thought enraged me but I kept my expression level, neutral, unbiased.
“No, not ever. I told her that because it was better than saying he didn’t and would never want her. I never felt like what I told her was a lie either because he wasn’t ready to meet her, at least not for the right reason. You see how he’s acting now. If I had told him, it never would have been about Gracie and she deserved better so telling her he wasn’t ready to meet her never felt like a lie to me. I always assumed that one day I would…”
Her eyes flitted away from me and I felt what she wouldn’t stay.
“You assumed you would meet someone who would love and accept Gracie and that person would be her father.”
“You still feel that way?” My eyes blazed with need. With a longing for approval that I shouldn’t have been so desperate for, but fuck, how else was I supposed to feel other than raw and vulnerable with thought of her ending up with someone besidesme.
“You don’t feel like you’ll find someone to make you happy?” My brows pinched in confusion.
She shook her head, biting back a smile. “I think I already have.”
This woman just swallowed me whole and absorbed me into her soul.
That’s what I was in that moment, her possession. Her life source.
And she was mine.
The reality crushed into me so hard I could feel the vise that compressed my chest only moments before loosening.
“Think?” I taunted with a possessive stare. She stood, lifted onto her toes, and pressed a kiss to my mouth then moved away, catching my hand with hers.
“Let’s go talk to Gracie.”
By the time we made it outside to the pool, Maddie was gone and Gracie was swimming around the shallow end with Kaliq lounging casually on the inside of the pool, back against the perimeter watching her protectively.
They weren’t just mine. They were his too.
The minute Gracie spotted us she doggy paddled to the stairs and climbed out, speed walking to us. Those tiny little legs fighting hard to follow the rules.
Always pushing the limits but never quite crossing the line.
Not exactly running, but not walking either.