Page 72 of Signature Of You
“You sure about that? The first thing she said when we got here was she liked her house and her room and didn’t want to be anywhere else.”
“Well yeah because that’s all she knows but Gracie isn’t hard to please. You could have gotten a yellow comforter and put some fresh sunflowers by the bed and she would have been over the moon.”
I pointed to the dresser behind us where there was a massive crystal vase filled with sunflowers there were easily the size of my hands.
“Of course you have those.”
I shrugged. “They’re very thorough.”
“Very.” She walked around, checking out the space.
There were sheer yellow curtains covering the bay window that had a bench below it with several bright yellow throw pillows and a matching fuzzy blanket.
The queen sized bed was covered in a thick satin comforter which had a quilted appearance and linen sheets covering the bed beneath it.
“At least they didn’t paint the walls yellow.” She turned to me, shaking her head but seemed at ease.
“I can do that if you think…”
“No, absolutely not. Thank you for this but you really didn’t have to do this much.”
“Not a big deal so don’t sweat it. Come on, I’ll show you where your room is.”
She frowned, looking around again. “I’ll probably end up spending most of my time in here. There’s way more space than she’s used to and it might be a little overwhelming.”
“That’s cool, but either way you’ll have your own space too. I’m down with whatever makes both of you comfortable.”
Even if it’s not what would make me comfortable, which is you in my bed.
I wouldn’t push. I had them here and for now that was enough. We left Gracie’s new room and moved in the opposite direction, stopping at the room right next to mine which I pointed out. “I’m in there.” She glanced at my door and then arched a brow at me.
“My room is next to yours?” I shrugged not bothering to hide my smile or intentions.
“Figured you’d want to be close.”
“To you and not Gracie.”
“A man can dream, right?”
“Your house, your rules.”
“Don’t say shit like that or you’ll be in there with me.”
She ignored me and walked inside. I watched her looking around with curious eyes that eventually found their way back to me.
“You like it?” I asked, anxious to know if she realized I’d put just as much thought into her room as I had with Gracie’s.
“You knew I would. It feels like my room at home.”
The furniture was a distressed light shade of gray that had already been here but the bedding was burnt orange and the quilted comforter was a patchwork of colors, similar to the one she had at home.
When I reached out to my team, I described everything as best as I could and they delivered on every detail I gave. Down to the oversized armchair that sat in the corner with a guitar case positioned behind it. I knew the one she had from the videos Kaliq had showed me and the one my people purchased was a replica, only new.
When she discovered it, her eyes found mine, storms of brown, calm but still edging toward a point of danger.
“I don’t play anymore.”
“Just in case you feel inspired.”