Page 88 of Signature Of You
“Why the fuck wouldn’t he if he’s getting paid?”
“It’s not just about the money, Sol. There’s a potential for conflict with him representing you, considering the obvious…”
“That she and I are together.”
“Are you?”
According to her, no.
I just didn’t feel like traveling down that road with Drew so I left it simple. “Something like that.”
“Either you are or you’re not, Sol. I need to know what I’m dealing with so that there aren’t any surprises. Helping her as a friend is one thing. Helping her as the woman you’re involved with is a completely different situation. There are fail safes I need to have in place. My first obligation is protecting your interest. If that can’t be done then…”
“It has to work. Figure it out. There’s nothing to protect me from.”
“You can’t be serious, Sol….”
This was Drew my manager, not my friend of fifteen plus years. The man who had singlehandedly launched, navigated, and protected my career. I trusted him more than anyone else in life but right now he would have to find a way to protect me that didn’t hurt Cadence.
“Figure it out, Drew. Things with us are complicated right now but you handle this like they aren’t. Protect her and her daughter the same way you protect me and Liq.”
He was quiet and I allowed him to take the moment. I was making his job a lot harder than it needed to be.
“He mentioned the kid. Wants to talk to Cadence. Said the kid could be his and if she is…”
“No. Nah, fuck that. After what he did to her he doesn’t deserve a got damn thing, especially not Gracie.”
“Is that you talking or her?”
“She’ll agree.”
“Be sure about that before I go making demands. I’ll set something up about the contracts, but for now, we need to get this thing with Sheets wrapped up. His father isn’t vocally choosing sides but that’s his son, so you know where he stands.”
Malcom Sheets Jr. was president of Privilege Records. There was no way his father would take my side if it came down to choosing one. No matter how much money I brought to the table. I’d refused another contract which meant he knew I would walk.
“Tell him I want to talk.”
“It’s unavoidable. I’m not paying him off and the only way he knows I’m serious is if we meet face to face. Set it up. Sooner rather than later.”
“Motherfuckmy life,” Drew mumbled and I smiled toward the ceiling.
Yeah, he just might quit after this.
“I appreciate you, Drew.”
“I damn sure can’t tell,” he ground out and ended the call. I lifted my head and pushed toward my desk, peering down at the stack of papers that could seriously complicate Cadence’s life.
After what had happened between her and Dresden she wouldn’t want anything to do with him. If he followed through on his threat and sued, she wouldn’t have the money to pay him.
I did.
And I would gladly hand it over.
But that also meant another headline that neither of us needed.