Page 2 of Darling Melody
She held my gaze with a defiant look on her face and I let a smirk cross my lips.
“I’m sure you’ll come crawling back into our bed in no time il mio tesoro.”
There’s the fire.
Her face twisted with disgust, but before she could open her smart mouth and make some contemptuous comment, I walked away. Leaving her desperate and wanting. A few seconds later I heard the distinct crash of glass breaking and laughed to myself before calling Clive to go and see what she had broken and clean it up. I have a feeling he will be doing a lot of that for the foreseeable future.
“Enzo, where are you?” I called out as I slammed the front door.
“Mr D’Angelo is in his office and has asked to not be disturbed.” Clive said as he made his way to the foyer where I was stood examining my hands.
There was dried blood covering the tattoos on my fingers, I had no idea if it was more mine or the other guys. He had put up one hell of a fight. It had been quite an enjoyable little job, and for the first time this week I hadn’taccidentallygotten carried away with my rage. I had stopped when he fell to the ground unconscious and I left him alive, just like I was told to.
“Grazie, Clive.” I nodded at the man and headed past him in the direction of my stepfather’s office.
“Mr Knight, I’m not sure that is the be-.”
I cut him off with a hard glare and he quickly turned and headed in the opposite direction. The man wasn’t stupid, and I suppose he was just looking out for me, not that I needed that. Or maybe he was just worried that he’d struggle to source replacements for whatever Lorenzo decided to break each time I pissed him off.Yeah, that was probably it.
I didn’t bother to knock. I pushed the door open and strolled into his office. Lorenzo’s eyes snapped up to meet mine and his jaw tightened.
“Out.” he snarled. “I’m busy.”
I slumped down into the chair opposite him, “What? No pat on the back and gold star for doing my job right for once? Guess I’ll just go back to fucking everything up.”
“You’re an infuriating little shit, you know that?” he said, and his jaw relaxed a fraction.
I looked up at the ceiling, breaking eye contact with him. I was battling inside my own head, and I couldn’t risk him seeing that. Being in this room with him made my skin crawl after finding out what he had done, what he had taken from me. I was constantly struggling to not throw myself at him and rip him to shreds. But I had to play the long game, and I had to make it hurt. I also I had to be smart. So I’d spend as much time as possible hiding what I knew and gain little bursts of satisfaction by pissing him off. Putting on this act was never easy.
“You don’t get praise for doing your job Adonis, if you want that go and find yourself a woman.” I let my eyes drift back down to his face. “On the subject of women, Mine is back.” His eyes searched my face for a reaction, but I was getting better and better at concealing my emotions, especially from him.
“Great.” I said sarcastically, “I get to listen to you two fuck, again.”
His jaw clenched again.Looks like I’ve hit a nerve, I guess she isn’t back because all is forgiven.
“You won’t need to worry about that, for now. She’s in my bad books.”
I nodded and smirked, hoping that it seemed that I was amused that he was mad at her, and not that I could see through his lie, there was no way it was him who was withholding sex. The last time I’d seen her, she was vowing to never let him touch her again.
“Well I hope she stays there for a while.”
His eyes narrowed, “Why? Do you think that if I don’t satisfy her, she will get desperate enough to come crawling into your bed?”
I let out a hollow laugh, “I’mnot that desperate.”
“Of course you aren’t.” he leaned back in his chair and gave me a stern look. “But just in case you ever decide to stop lying to both of us about your attraction tomywoman, I’ll warn you now, no one touches what is mine and gets away with it.”
I held his cold gaze and felt my stomach begin to churn. I wasn’t scared of him, he had already done the worst thing I could imagine, and I knew all too well what happened to people who touched her, but occasionally when he looked at me like this, I couldn’t help but wonder if this expression was the last one my mum ever saw.
“I don’t want her.” I said firmly.
“Keep telling yourself that. Now fuck off, I have work to do.” he turned his attention to his computer screen, and I stood up and made my way to the door.