Page 31 of Darling Melody
I climbed out of the car, and he followed, adjusting his suit jacket that was still covering my back. I was half tempted to throw it off and show the world what he had done, but what was the point? He was Lorenzo D’Angelo, he could have probably sliced my finger off at the table and whoever witnessed it would act as though he did it out of love or some shit. And no doubt if Ididtake the jacket off, he would subject me to some other act of violence. It just wasn’t worth it.
He opened the restaurant door for me and leaned in to kiss my cheek as I passed through, acting as though he hadn’t just threatened to murder everyone I cared about. His psycho side was really showing today.
We were seated in the window, and I had a horrible feeling that Lorenzo had requested it so that we were easily noticed. Not that it really mattered who saw us out together, as tomorrow morning our happy couple picture would be plastered over the papers. We would be the talk of the entire city.
“So amore mio,” Lorenzo said gently as we started on our appetisers. “In the announcement, would you like to be known as Fields or Clarke?”
I stared at him with my brows pulling together, what the hell did it even matter? He was talking to me as though we were a genuine happy couple all excited about our engagement announcement.
“Fields.” I said.
If I had to do this then I’d at least continue with my real family name, everyone who knew me as Megan Clarke would either work out my hidden identity or presume it was a mistake, my picture would be there clear as day showing off who I was.
“Wonderful, I’ll let the printers know.” he said and pulled his phone from his pocket.
I took the moment of distraction to check my own phone and found a text from Toby. I schooled my face to hide my excitement, he rarely texted me anymore, which I supposed was a safe choice, so it made the ones he did send mean that little bit more to me.
I hope you are ok, just letting you know that you’re on my mind.
I quickly typed back a response and then tucked my phone away before Lorenzo could notice. It amazed me that the man I’d woken up to this morning and the man in front of me were of the same species. Toby was everything Lorenzo could never have been, even before I knew the truth. I hated myself for taking my relationship with Lorenzo any further than a little fun, what the hell had I been thinking?You were thinking that he was as good as it was going to get. Never settle ladies.
Our main courses came, and I tried my hardest not to just push it around my plate. My appetite had improved a lot since Toby had come home from the hospital. My anxiety had calmed, but I was still struggling with being around Lorenzo. My poor stomach was suffering the costs. Lorenzo finished his plate before I did, and I placed my knife and fork down.
“You must eat more.” he said, but his words didn’t hold the harsh tone that I had expected them to.
“I’m full.” I said.
We had barely spoken throughout our meal, neither of us had tried, and I was quietly thankful that he hadn’t.
“Can we go?” I asked.
“No dessert?” he asked, raising a single brow. “I’ve heard the tiramisu is to die for.”
I shook my head. I did want to try it, but I didn’t want to be here with him any longer than necessary. Maybe someday I’d come back here and try it with better company, but for now, I’d made my choice. I rose from my chair and smiled weakly. I couldn’t keep up this show much longer today.
“I’m heading to the ladies’ room; I’ll meet you at the door?”
“As you wish.” he said and signalled to the waiter that we were ready to leave.
When I was in the ladies’ room, I sent another message to Toby.
I’ve had an awful day, please ignore the news tomorrow.
Although I am in a great new restaurant, and I’d love to come back with you one day. I can’t wait to see you again.
I smiled to myself in the privacy of the bathroom. I so wished that I was here with him, I’d definitely stay for dessert. One day, when my plan is complete, it will happen, and I will erase every bad memory of Lorenzo with shiny new ones of me and Toby.
I checked my reflection and forced myself to keep that smile on my face as I exited the bathroom and found Lorenzo waiting for me. He eyed me suspiciously before leading the way back to his car. Once we were inside and away from prying ears he spoke.
“I know that smile isn’t for me, and I’ll let it slide for tonight, but once we are married this will all stop. I’ll ignore your disrespectful behaviour for now amore mio, but youaremine, and you’re running low on time to act like you aren’t.”
I met his glare with an impassive expression, “Enjoy each moment Lorenzo, one day I’ll be gone. One day I’ll figure out how to keep them all safe, and you will never see me again.”
His eyes flickered with delight as he saw my words as a challenge.