Page 40 of Darling Melody
“What is it?” I asked.
She gestured to the sofa, and I released her so that she could sit as I quickly pulled on a pair of sweats then sat down beside her.
“Are you alright?” I asked.
Her hand came up to her ear and she began to circle the stud in her lobe.
“No, you’re not alright. Vixen tell me what’s up.” I said gently and placed my hand on her thigh.
She didn’t move away from me, but her body tensed in a way that said she had considered it.
“I did something. And I feel bad, but I don’t know if I should feel bad, because we, well we’ve not labelled anything, but I do feel bad, because I like you, like a stupid crazy amount, so I’m probably a bad person, IknowI’m a bad person, I kill people, but this, yeah, I dunno, this is like a different type of bad, I feel guilty, but maybe it’s not a big deal, no, it totally is, oh Toby please don’t hate me, I’ll never do it again. I promise.”
I stared at her with wide eyes as she rambled. She was usually so composed, seeing her like this was amusing. I had no idea what the hell she was trying to say, but the way the words kept falling out of her mouth as she lost control of her inner monologue brought the biggest smile to my face.
“Stop smiling at me.” she snapped as she looked up at me and I gave her a mock stern look.
“Sorry, but you’re cute.”
“No I’m not, I’m horrible.” she protested.
“Why?” I said gently, forcing away the smile that was already tugging at my lips again.
She inhaled then blurted the words at me as though the faster they came out, the easier it would be.
“I slept with Don.”
I watched her carefully as she winced and bowed her head.I totally saw this coming.I withdrew my hand from her thigh and cupped her chin, raising her face to look at me.
“Finally.” I sighed, then laughed as shock filled her eyes and her lips parted.
“What?” she croaked.
“Finally,” I released her chin and placed a swift kiss to her parted lips. “You two finally got past your competitive shit and accepted the attraction.”
“We didn’t really, we’re not talking, the competitive thing is still standing. But hold on, you’re not mad at me?” she asked, her brows pulling together.
“Nope, I’m happy. I’m not worried about youleavingme for him, that won’t happen. I’m a little worried that he won’t be as chill as I am about it, but that’s a bridge we can cross when we come to it.” I said. Hoping that I was coming across as reassuring rather than crazy.
Meg and Don had been forged in the same fire; I could see that as clear as day. They were as disastrous as each other, and it was only natural that they would be drawn together. Their rivalry never meant they needed to hate each other; they just hadn’t known any better. They’d cared about each other for some time now, but they didn’t know what the hell that was. Their dynamic was weird but expected under the circumstances that had bought them together.
I wanted her, and he did too, and I was more than happy to allow him to love her.
“I don’t understand, you want me to have both of you?” she asked, “Like, have my cake, and eat it?”
I chuckled, “Yes little Vixen. you can have as much cake as you want, so long as it’s cake that makes you happy. I’m not worried about your appetite; I know you won’t go off blueberry muffins just because you’ve had a fudge brownie.”
“Fuck,” she breathed, and her entire body relaxed as she slumped into the cushions.
Her gaze met mine and she smiled dreamily at me, “Tobias, I-.”
The door flew open, startling us both from this happy moment and we both shot up from the sofa.
Don came strolling into the apartment, then froze. He looked between me and Meg and panic flashed across his face. It was gone as quickly as it came, and I wondered if I’d imagined it.
He raised his hand to show us a set of keys, “I have a spare set, sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” I asked. This morning was filling up with unnecessary apologies.