Page 45 of Darling Melody
“Mi dispiace, I’m sorry.” I said quietly.
“For what?” she said, keeping her focus on the targets in front of us.
“You don’t get to dothisanymore.” I said and loaded my gun.
“Yes, I do.” she said, “Just not as often as I need to.”
The wordneeddidn’t go unnoticed, and I pulled her up on it. “What do you mean need?”
“If I’m going to kill him, Ineedto stay on top form.” She fired another round and I joined her.
“You don’t need to do that. I’m taking care of it.” I said and reset our targets.
“I don’t need you to take care of it,” she snapped, “When will you get that?”
“I’m tired of this argument.” I said and turned to face her. I didn’t want her to get hurt, but I also knew I’d never be able to cage her, fuck, I wouldn’t even want to.
“How about you sort out your plan, I’ll sort out mine, and leave it up to chance.”
“No, he’s mine.” she said and stepped towards me.
We were gaining an audience now and apparently we were going to entertain them with an argument.
“I’m trying to be reasonable, but you don’t think that’s good enough. Stop being so stubborn.” I said.
She lifted her chin, “You can’t change me. Just because we fucked doesn’t mean I’ll do what you want.”
Luckily no one would be able to hear us from the viewing area, otherwise rumours would be flying all over the city about us.
“I thought you regretted that happening?” I said with a sneer.
“Who needs to grow up now.” she said mockingly.
“Still you babe, stop running from things because they’re difficult. Don’t throw tantrums because you’re not getting your own way. We are rivals. Get over it. Despite how we’ve been aligned, I want you, and if you want me too, you’ll listen.”
“You’re willing to share?” she asked in a whisper.
I met her gaze and glared. To our audience we would look as though we wanted to rip each other throats out, to each other though, it was a look of passion.
“I am.” I said through gritted teeth and her breath caught.
“Oh,” she finally said, “Well I’m still mad at you.”
“Great, let’s let some of that out then.” I said and we both turned to face our targets.
It hadn’t been the conversation that I’d expected, not that I really knew what to expect. But it was productive, in a way. Underneath the mess, she had confirmed that she liked me, and I was willing to do something that I thought was strange. Let her be with him too. The competitive shit between us would likely always be there, but maybe after this she would realise that she doesn’t have to hate me when we don’t agree.
“Will I have a shadow at lunch or am I trusted to go out alone?” I asked as I pulled on my leather jacket.
Lorenzo smirked from his position standing in the doorway of my office. Cooper had left to go and handle something – something I wasn’t allowed to know about – an hour ago, and I was itching to get out of this house. Lorenzo had been checking in on me hourly, most likely to make sure I was still here and hadn’t managed to slip away. When I asked if I could go out for lunch with Eden I’d been shocked to hear his response. ‘So long as you video call me when you arrive.’
“Like I said, video call me. No shadows.” he said.
“Promise?” I asked. But I wasn’t sure I’d believe him no matter what he said. I’d be watching my back and praying that it was Coop or Don following me. I’d been reckless recently, sneaking out, thinking I had Lorenzo fooled, but he wasn’t. He had known, and I had managed to get lucky with my watcher. If he had chosen to send anyone else, especially Grey, I’d have been screwed.