Page 58 of Darling Melody
“I guess it’s time for me to go and pretend to hunt you down.” I said and pulled on a black t-shirt.
Nutmeg began to dress herself too and once we were clothed, I pulled her in and kissed her deeply.
“What’s your plan?” I asked her.
“I’ll stay, and I’ll prove you wrong. Give me half an hour please.” she said.
“See, youdoneed my help.” I said with a wink.
“I don’t, but you’ll cooperate.” she said with an air of confidence that I found stupidly hot.
“Will I?” I asked.
“If you know what’s good for you.” she said and sat down on the edge of my bed with her heels in hand.
I bit my tongue and pulled on my pissed off stronzo face, ready to face my stepfather and pretend that I didn’t feel anything towards this frustratingly captivating woman apart from hatred.
She looked up at me and smiled. “I like that I get to see the man behind that mask.”
I rolled my tongue to stop from smiling. This woman was very quickly doing very dangerous things to me. Luckily, she also understood me, and gave me a knowing look and urged me to leave.
I lazily strolled down the stairs. I knew I was already in Lorenzo’s bad books, so why not push him a little more. The consequence would be the same either way. And with hisplansfor me, I doubted the consequences would be too bad. Lorenzo was a smart man, he wouldn’t pushmetoo far.
“So everyone else has failed you then.” I said to him as I reached the bottom step where he was waiting for me with a face like thunder.
“Obviously. Wipe that smug look off of your face, you’ve not done anything yet.” he snapped and stormed ahead of me to the garage.
“I’m surprised you’re coming with me.”
“You keep fucking up Adonis, you can’t be trusted right now.” he said as he opened the door and headed to my car.
“Right,” I said slowly, “well I guess if I can’t be trusted I’ll just stay here.”
“Don’t be a smartass. Get in the fucking car and find her.” he snarled.
I grabbed my keys off of the hook and unlocked my car and Lorenzo climbed into the passenger seat.
“Are you sure she isn’t here?” I asked.
He swivelled in his seat and glared at me. “Of course she isn’t.”
“Her car is over there though.” I pointed at the Audi. I knew that I needed to give Nutmeg half an hour to set up whatever they fuck she had come up with, but I couldn’t resist making comments to Lorenzo that could make him feel stupid.
He turned to look where I was pointing, “She wouldn’t take her own car.” he scoffed.
“Then how did she leave? On foot?” I asked.
“Shut the fuck up Adonis and drive.” he said irritably. I was clearly doing an excellent job at pushing him right now. “If you’d been doing your job instead of getting you dick wet this wouldn’t have even happened.”
I started the engine and clenched my jaw. Remaining silent.
“You’ll join me in the gym later on, and you’ll take whatever I throw at you like a man.” he said in a threatening tone.
Thatwas my punishment? A few low blows. I could easily take that.
I nodded sharply and glanced his way as I waited for the garage door to lift open. A satisfied smile sat on his face, but underneath it was a flicker of fear, and he began to drum his fingers on his knee.
I pulled out of the garage and headed down the winding driveway, but as we made it to the gates Lorenzo slapped his hand down on my shoulder.