Page 90 of Darling Melody
“Eden,” I said and gave Coop a quick look. He nodded subtly, having read my mind.
“I need to tell you something, please do not freak out.”
Her eyes bugged out and she blew out a dramatic breath and braced herself on the seat.
“I’m going to kill Lorenzo.” I said bluntly and she gasped loudly.
Cooper covered up a laugh with an over-the-top coughing fit and I rolled my eyes before filling Eden in on my plan. I wasn’t going to tell her to start with, but for her own safety it seemed like she should know. I had plans in place to keep her safe. Freddie, the photographer I’d demanded Lorenzo hire, was in on it all and he had agreed to take responsibility for getting innocent people out if anything went wrong. We’d met last year while I was on a job. He was one of the few people who hadn’t affiliated himself with any of the gangs. But he was easily bought and highly skilled.
She took it well, and when we stepped out of the car Freddie was waiting with his camera in hand. I introduced them then stood with her and Coop for a few photos outside the church.
“It’s a shame you won’t get to walk out of here a married woman.” she said to me as I smiled at the camera.
“I’ll walk out of here free from demons though. And that is better in my eyes.” I said and Coop hummed in agreement before headed over to Freddie and handing over a gun.
No doubt Freddie had his own, but Coop was the type to always want to be sure that people were safe. He had even attempted to give Eden one while we were still in the car, but she politely, and a little fearfully, declined.
Freddie looked at his watch then gave me an excited look. “It’s time. Eden, you’re leading, off you go love.”
He guided her towards the door, shot a quick snap of me and Coop, then pushed past Eden and lead the way into the church.
Coop held his arm out to me, and this time I took it.
“You can do this Sunshine. You are so strong to get this far without losing yourself. When this is finally over, you can run off with your guys and live the life Jase always hoped you’d have. I’ll handle Grey, you take down the monster. Let’s end this.” he said and pressed a kiss to my cheek just as the bridal march rang through the doors of the church and I took my first step towards the beginning of the end.
With each step I found myself drawing strength I didn’t realise I had, and by the time I reached Lorenzo I was ready. Coop handed me over to my fiancé and stepped back to take his seat beside Grey and Debbie.
I glanced past Lorenzo at Adonis and he gave me a tight smile. Keeping up appearances. Eden took a cautious step away from me and I gave her a reassuring smile, then ran my gaze over our gathering of guests, then finally met Lorenzo’s loving gaze and beamed at him until my cheeks hurt.
“Amore mio, you look bello.” he said, then turned to the priest. “Shall we?”
The priest gave me a firm nod, then addressed our guests and began his service. Lorenzo watched me as the priest spoke and I focused on my expression. Ensuring that I didn’t give anything away.
“And now we move on to the vows,” The priest said, drawing my attention for the dramatic moment I had planned.
“Lorenzo, do you take Megan to be your lawfully wedded wife? Do you promise to love, honour, cherish and protect her, forsaking all others and holding only to her, until death parts you?”
“I do.” Lorenzo said, loud and clear with determination in his dark eyes.
I smiled at him and ran my hands down the sides of my dress, giving the illusion that I was preparing myself for my part.
“Megan, do you take Lorenzo to be your lawfully wedded husband? Do you promise to love, honour, cherish and protect him, forsaking all others and holding only to him, until death parts you?” the priest asked.
My fingers found the slit of my dress and slid beneath the fabric until I felt the cold length of my gun. The world around me seemed to slow down as I stared into the eyes of the monster before me. It felt as though we were the only two people in the room as I drank in the loving look on his face and felt a rush of smug satisfaction. He didn’t suspect a thing, just as I had hoped.
“I promise.” I said. “’till death.”
I raised my gun, kept my focus on his eyes, and took my shot. Just as a large body collided with mine and I flew through the air before landing on the floor with someone on top of me. My ears rang and a fist collided with my face, making my vision blur and tears fill my eyes.
All I could hear was muffled shouting then a loud bang and a woman’s scream.
I fucked up.Fuck.
I turned my head and blinked hard until my vision cleared and I could take in the chaos around me. The main doors to the church were wide open and bodies were spilling inside. I squinted to try to make out who it was, and my breath caught as I saw Toby and Charon storm through side by side. The wolves had descended.