Page 98 of Darling Melody
The man moved out of sight and a few seconds later a door slammed signalling their departure. I closed my eyes tightly and shuffled blindly across the wet floor until I hit something solid. Mum. Then tucked my legs up to my chest and began to sob. I needed my brother. I need him.
Footsteps closed in on me, and I opened my eyes. It must be him. He’s home. But when I looked up, expecting to find my big bro entering the kitchen to drag me away from Mum’s side, I found myself staring into the deep brown eyes of the man who had killed my brother. I frantically looked around me. It wasn’t Mums body next to me, it had morphed into Jason’s, then Cooper’s. I wasn’t 9 years old; I was 22. And I was sitting in a white dress, no longer clutching my bunny. In my hand was a gun. And I knew how to use it. I looked up at the monster before me, but before I could prove that I was a threat, he pounced on me. Pinning me down by my throat and laughing maniacally as I thrashed around beneath him.
I jolted upright, breathless and panicked. Lorenzo was dead. It was just a dream. We killed him, didn’t we?
Didn’t we?
Pain blazed through my leg, and I shoved the blanket off of me and looked at my bandaged thigh. Frank did this, he had shot me; it had definitely happened. Yeah, it had. Lorenzo was dead. Don and I had done it together. Then I told him, oh fuck, I told him I loved him and then started shouting at him because he didn’t say it back straight away.
What is wrong with me?
We got back here and -
“Oh my god, Coop.” I breathed and turned to look at the lump on the bed beside me.
He was wrapped up in blankets and had an I.V drip in his arm. His eyes were closed, he looked so peaceful.Too peaceful.I stared at his chest for a long time, focusing hard until I could clearly see his chest rising and falling.
I laid back down and rolled onto my side to face him. A tug on my arm stopped me moving to close to him and I looked over my shoulder to see that I was also hooked up to an I.V.Great.
I propped myself up on an elbow and looked around the dimly lit room, hoping to find a sleeping boyfriend or doctor sitting in a chair or something. But I had no such luck. We were the only ones in here. I attempted to call out for someone to come in so that I could sweet talk whoever came in to taking me off of the drip and get me something for the pain, Although ideally nothing that would knock me out again.
My shout came out as a croaky whisper, and I flopped onto my back in frustration.Add a glass to water to that list.
Coop grunted a few moments later and I turned my head to see that he was attempting to move. He turned slowly and squinted at me. A small smile tugged at his lips, and I grinned at him.
“You look like shit.” he rasped.
“You should see yourself; no one will ever want to fuck you again.” I said with a hoarse laugh.
It was a lie, his skin may be pale and bruised, but that would easily fade, and he would be back to his stunningly magnificent self in no time. Girls would be lining up all over town to get a piece of him, especially with the scars that he had no doubt earned himself.
“Are you in pain?” I asked.
“A little, I’m not sure that I want to know the damage though.” he whispered and blinked hard.
“I’m sure someone will come and fill us in soon. Go back to sleep Coop.”
I stretched out my free arm towards him and managed to reach his face. He dropped his cheek down into my palm and I stroked my thumb over across it soothingly.
“You need to rest too.” he said sleepily.
“I will,” I assured him. “Thank you for everything you did.” I murmured.
I watched his eyes fall shut, and when he began to snore lightly, I closed mine, allowing myself to drift off into what I hoped this time would be a dreamless sleep.
When I woke again it was to a warm hand cupping my face and quiet whispering.
“She’s a mess, I don’t know what to do, should I go?” I heard Don whisper.
“I don’t know,” Toby replied, his voice was closer than Dons, so I guessed that it was his hand on my face. “If you need to be with family we understand.”
I cleared my throat and opened my eyes. Toby was perched on the bed beside me. I met his gaze and he smiled at me sadly.
“Water.” I croaked just as Don came into view holding a tall glass, having already anticipated my needs.
I moved to sit up and groaned at the ache that had consumed my body. Both of my guys looked concerned, but I batted my hand at them, grabbed the glass from Don’s hand and took large greedy gulps.
“Are you leaving?” I asked once I’d finished the last sip.