Page 20 of The Only Reason
“How was the ride?” Dakota asks.
“It was nice.” Kate smiles, leaning into Austin.
“We were stuck with a bunch of people we didn’t know. They said there was some other couple going at it in one of the things though,” Grace says and I start coughing.
“That’s crazy, maybe they didn’t realize other people could see them?” Dakota says with a smirk into her ice cream. I am blushing profusely but it doesn’t seem like our friends know it was us.
“I guess.” Grace shrugs and they drop it. Dakota excuses herself to look in the gift shop while I finish my ice cream and the group talks about where they want to go next.
“We could get drinks somewhere?” Kate suggests.
“You’re not still tipsy from brunch?” Grant teases.
“Nope, I’m not a lightweight like some people,” she jokes back.
“All set?” Austin asks Dakota as she comes back empty handed. I guess she just wanted to look inside.
“Yup.” She nods.
“Well, why don’t we head to the mall and we can get drinks while we shop?” Grace suggests.
“That’s a thing?” I ask, surprised.
“Here it is,” she says with a smile.
“Let’s go.” We all head across the strip, closer to the hotel where there’s a mall in the middle of the strip. It is multilevel complete with tons of stores and a few bars. You have to love Vegas.
The boys head into a gaming store so Grace, Kate, and I head into a lingerie store to find something for them. Dakota says she’d rather head back and not think about her little brother’s future wife in that way. We don’t blame her and agree to meet at the bar that sells drinks you can drink from a robot. I think it’s as cool as it sounds and I’m looking forward to it.
“How’s this?” Kate holds up a piece of string that has less coverage than a bandaid.
“Austin would go crazy,” Grace says and I agree.
I find myself pawing through the lingerie just in case. It’s not like I didn’t have sexy underwear from sleeping with Grant for so long, but I don’t necessarily want to wear something I wore with him. Not that I think Dakota and I will be sleeping together, but after that kiss, I can’t tell where exactly we stand. But I am dying to kiss her again. She is something euphoric and curiosity is eating away at me.
“Are you looking for something in particular?” a saleswoman asks me.
“No, I’m just browsing. Thank you.” I know it is her job but it makes lingerie shopping even more stressful when there is someone watching you pick it out.
“Oh my gosh, are you going to buy something?” Kate gasps.
“I-I might.” I blush.
“For Dakota?” Grace says in a hushed tone.
“Maybe.” I turn around so they can’t see how red I’m turning.
“Oh my gosh!” They both squeal.
“It’s no big deal.” I try to brush them off despite the nerves culminating in my stomach.
“It might be your first time with awoman! Of course it’s a big deal,” Kate announces.
“Thank you, I don’t think Dakota heard you.” I put back the blue one I was eyeing.
“No, come on. We’re just excited for you. You’re learning new stuff about yourself. We just want to support you.” Grace offers a hand and smiles.
“For real.” Kate nods.