Page 5 of The Only Reason
My cheeks turn just as bright. “Yeah, go ahead.” I clear my throat. What is wrong with me? There is something so fascinating about Dakota it is hard not to notice her.
* * *
Dakota emerges from the bathroom wearing something that can only be described as a thirst trap. Her heeled boots are the first things I see. Showing off her bare legs, a tight leather mini skirt hugging her curves, and a red cinched top that accentuates her breasts. She’s holding it up around her neck and smiles at me.
“Can you tie this for me?” I nod and step forward.
As I tie it around her neck, I can’t help but notice she’s not wearing a bra. Her back is almost completely exposed except for this thin fabric. I get a whiff of her shampoo that the hotel definitely didn’t provide. Her light blue hair is washed and curled.
“Thanks.” She smiles.
And again, I feel the creep of the heat rising to my cheeks. “I like your top,” I blurt and immediately feel embarrassed for myself.
“Thanks. I got it from one of the models I photographed last week in New York.”
“Oh, really?” I’d heard that she was in New York, but I hadn’t heard why.
“Yeah, I was photographing a fashion show all week.”
“That sounds so exciting.”
I watch as she nods before sweeping her soft blue tendrils back before shaking her head. I’d been so focused on her simple yet mesmerizing movements that I almost missed her question.
“So, what do you do for a living, Violet?”
Isn’t that a loaded question. “I, uh.” I stutter for a moment. It is hard to explain what I do without explaining why. “I work at Eternal Port Valley University Campus admissions doing clerical work to pay for classes.”
“Oh that's awesome, how do you like it?”
“It’s okay, I don’t hate it, but it’s not necessarily what I want to do for my life.” I shrug.
“What do you want to do with your life?” Dakota asks but it isn’t in a parental way or an accusing way, just more out of curiosity.
“I’m not sure,” I say honestly.
“It’ll come to you eventually, you got time.” She smiles encouragingly and I nod.
When Dakota starts playing with her camera, I finally am able to take a few minutes to take the test. Waiting those three extra minutes, though, is a nightmare. I pace back and forth in the tiny hotel bathroom, wishing the little pink line–or lines would just show up already. Confirm what I already know.
But I won’t get the chance to check it right away because Grant is now knocking on the bathroom door.
“Vi, hey, you all right in there?” I can hear the same concern that was in his voice back on the airplane.
“Yeah. I’ll be out in just a second,” I call out, glancing between the closed door and the white plastic stick on the counter. It still hasn’t given me an answer yet. Shit, is this a dud? Am I going to have to risk another trip to the gift shop?
“Okay, everyone is out here,” I hear Grant say, dropping his tone.
“Oh, all right.” I sigh and grab the test, dropping it into the trash can before throwing some tissues over it to hide it. The last thing I need is someone finding it and knowing the answer before me.
“Hey, guys.” I smile nonchalantly as I walk out of the bathroom. Grant raises an eyebrow but doesn’t say anything.
“Hey, you ready?” Kate says excitedly. She is wearing a skin tight white dress with a dollar store veil and tiara. Tonight after dinner is her bachelorette party. We’d opted for tonight rather than tomorrow because we all knew how trashed we’d be getting tonight. Clearly I’ll either be sipping water all night or I’ll need to sneak back to the room and check the test.
“Heck, yes.” I grab my ‘maid of honor’ sash and we all head to the elevators.
“You okay?” Grant whispers, leaning in behind me, almost scaring the crap out of me.
“What? Yes, I’m fine.” I shrug him off.