Page 15 of Hers to Rule
“My friend is looking for a nanny and I told her I’d ask around. I thought maybe you had a college friend who could use the money.”
“I actually might know someone, is there a number she can call?”
“Mine, I can give you mine and I’ll pass along any information.” I rattle off my phone number and she says she’ll keep it in mind.
“Do you think I can see you again?” I ask.
“I’d like that.”
“It’s for a work event, so don’t get too excited.” I laugh.
“Gotcha, just give Angelica all the details and I’m happy to go.” She directs me to her boss and the happiness deflates a little bit. I am not asking her out and she isn’t saying yes, I am paying for a service.
“Okay, sounds good.” We hang up and I call Angelica back right away to give her the information.
It feels so formal and I sigh, is this really what my life has come to? That I have to pay for company and companionship? I try not to think too much about what that makes me feel like. I am afraid of what it will tell me if I think too long and hard about it.
“Are you sure this looks good?” I tug at the shirt that looks more like lingerie than a shirt.
“Yes! Oh my gosh, you look so hot!” Ellie gasps from the rack she’s pulling more clothes from. It is a clothing store but it also sells lingerie and I’m genuinely not sure which part she’s picking pieces from.
“I don’t know about this one.” I stand in front of the mirror and shake my head. “It doesn’t feel like me.”
“Okay, let’s grab you some more then. Tell me what you’re looking for.” She smiles. Ellie is my best friend for the last several years. We met in college with Morgan and the three of us have been inseparable. She is my pink haired, curvy, best friend with the sass of ten people.
“I want to feel sexy and wear something sexy but not hooker-ish. There’s a line I’m not trying to cross.” I still haven’t told Ellie what I do for a living and I don’t think I will. I know she is my best friend and I can tell her anything but I still don’t know how she’ll react to something like this.
“Okay, so upping your current look?”
“Yes.” I nod.
“We can do that. Hold on.” She starts pawing through the racks until she finds things in my size. She tosses me things and then when my arms are too full, she shoos me into the dressing rooms.
There’s two items I don’t even bother trying on because there’s no way they’ll pass the not hooker test. But the rest of the stuff is actually quite nice. It’s mostly tops but there’s one that’s my favorite. It’s black lace, with a corset and ribbons on the straps. It’s more me than the other pieces and I feel sexy as hell in it, especially with my ripped jeans and heeled boots I am wearing.
“Damn, girl you look amazing.” Ellie gasps. A blush creeps over her cheeks and I could swear she is nervous around me or something.
“I feel great in this, I need more pieces that make me feel like this,” I explain.
“I got you, try this stuff on.” She hands me an armful of more clothes and I head back to the dressing room.
This time it’s full of tops, skirts, and pants that all manage to make me feel like a damn model. I don’t look like a hooker in any of them, but I do look sexy. When I walk out of the dressing rooms, I manage to get a few head turns and I appreciate that. It is like people are finally seeing me for how I feel for the first time.
“You look amazing, Bells, but you also seem more confident.”
“I do?” I spin around to look at Ellie.
“Yeah, I can’t put my finger on it but there’s something about you. It’s like you’re exuding this newfound confidence.” She smiles.
“I just feel really good,” I agree.
“Are you seeing someone new?” she asks hesitantly.
“Um, no. I’m just doing this for me.” It isn’t a complete lie. I’m not seeing anyone romantically, it is just a part of the job. And Iamdoing this for me. I am not changing my look for anyone but myself and my job. I just want to look the way I am feeling inside.