Page 23 of Hers to Rule
“She doesn’t want you seeing anyone else? That sounds like a jealous partner if I ever heard one.” Sara shrugs.
“Well, it’s a lot of money plus savings and tattoos. So I don’t know if I should do it or not.”
“Am I missing something?”
“What?” I look at Sara, confused.
“You just named a bunch of good things and reasons, why wouldn’t you go for it?”
“Well, I don’t know. Isn’t it bad to stick to one client? What if we get attached?”
“Do you mean you or her?”
I hesitate. I really meant her, but I’d be lying if I said there wasn’t a small something there. I can’t hide that there seems to be this connection between us. No matter how much there shouldn’t be.
“Both,” I allow.
“Okay, well for you, you can protect your heart and have strict boundaries in place. Knowing nothing will ever happen between the two of you might just be enough to keep whatever feelings you have at bay,” she explains.
“But what about her?”
“She has to do that for herself.”
“Okay.” I nod, knowing she’s right. I can’t make Dylan’s feelings for me subside no matter how much I want them too.
“Just ask yourself if this is something you want to do. I’m sure you could get out of it at any time, but it would look better for you and Madame Angelica if you stuck the contract out so no one misses anything,” Sara adds.
“Is this something she’d agree too?”
“If the price was high enough, yes. And technically Dylan doesn’t have to ask you, the contract is between her and Angelica. But I think she respects you enough to make sure this is something you want. Which says a lot about the kind of person she is.”
“I didn’t realize that,” I say truthfully.
“Think about it, but if it was me, I’d take it right away. It’s not like she’s asking for anything more than you’re looking for except exclusivity. But hell if someone was looking for me exclusively, I would take them up on it in a heartbeat.” She sips her coffee and reaches for the apples on the counter. Crunching along, I think about what I want to do.
I liked Dylan, so isn’t it a no brainer? I will get to spend most of my free time with her and I’ll get all the things I want financially, so what is the harm? A little contract that I’m sure I can break out of at any point if I want to. But would I want to? I take the rest of the day to think about it but by the end of the night, it is clear what I want to do.
I call Dylan back and she picks up on the second ring. “Hello, Isabella?”
“I’m just calling to say I thought about it and yes, I want to take you up on your offer.”
“Yes, I think we should go over exactly what you’re looking for and of course everything financial through Madame Angelica, but I would like to do it,” I say confidently.
“Of course. Madame Angelica is already on board and awaiting a money transfer on your say so.”
“Perfect.” I am a little bit excited. I can pay off my fall and winter semester and not make a dent in the savings I had started.
“I’m excited for this, Isabella, I think it will be the start of something great,” Dylan says, and I agree. I just can’t help but wonder if we both have different expectations.
“You’re sure about this? It’s more than you’d be paying for just a few dates over the next few months,” Madame Angelica asks over the phone. I’ve never seen her face to face but I know who I am dealing with.
“I’m positive. I want her exclusivity with me and I understand that comes at a higher price.” I have also added a spending stipend to be released to her weekly for whatever she wants. I like knowing I can spoil her.