Page 28 of Hers to Rule
We walk to the subway and I take Dylan’s hand in mine. It has been a habit of ours. If we are walking outside, one of us will grab the hand of the other’s. Just in case we run into anyone we know or something. It is rare that that actually happens but I don’t mind it either way. We take the 1 train downtown and end up just a few blocks from the restaurant. Walking the rest of the way, hand in hand, I almost have a heart attack when I spot a familiar patch of pink hair and curves walking toward us.
“Bella! Bella! Is that you?” Ellie calls, and I turn away from Dylan to smile at my best friend.
“Hey, El.” I hug my best friend, letting go of Dylan’s hand.
“What are you doing in the city?” She knows I usually have a habit of texting if I am going to be in the city so we can grab lunch or something together.
“Oh, I’m, uh, actually on a date,” I lie. The words slipping from my mouth before I can second guess them. She’d already seen me holding Dylan’s hand, I mean how else could I explain that?
“El, this is my, um, girlfriend? Dylan.”
“Nice to meet you.” Ellie stiffens but shakes her hand. Dylan smiles and then there’s an awkward pause between the three of us.
“Why don’t I give you two minute?” Dylan suggests with a smile. I nod and she takes a few steps down the block, giving me a moment to talk to Ellie.
“What’s going on? Is that really your girlfriend?” Leave it to Ellie to see right through my lies. But I can’t very well explain the truth to her right now.
“Yes,” I lie again.
“And you didn’t want to tell Morgan and I? Is it because she’s older? I thought it was Morgan who went after the cougars.” She scoffs. Clenching my jaw, I take offense. Why does Ellie care so much about who I am dating anyway?
“She’s actually a really nice woman, so if you’ll excuse me. I’ll give you a call next time I’m in the city.” I hug her and walk toward Dylan before Ellie can protest.
“Everything okay?” Dylan asks, and I shrug. I take her hand in mine and I don’t look back.
We walk in silence toward the restaurant and I feel weird for bringing the mood down, but I didn’t expect to run into Ellie. It is like my two lives came crashing into each other at once. Every, well what’s the worst that could happen if someone saw us, happening at once. I’ve never had to lie to Ellie before and I hate that I started now. We’ve been best friends for years and we’ve never had a secret like this between us. But it isn’t like I could’ve blurted out the truth and blown our cover. Who knows who else could’ve been around to hear.
Plus it didn’t help that Ellie automatically went on the defensive. Making that snide comment about Morgan being the one who usually goes after older women was low. What does her age have to do with anything? Is that really how Ellie is going to react to me being in a relationship? It feels like a mental slap in the face. I don’t want that kind of negativity around me and we’ll have to talk it out another day.
“Are you okay?” Dylan asks, snapping me out of my thoughts.
“I’m sorry. I just didn’t expect to see her today.” I sigh.
“Is she your ex?”
“What? Ellie? No, she’s just my best friend. Why?”
“She just seemed more like a jealous ex than a best friend.” Dylan shrugs.
“I think she was just upset that I didn’t tell her I was seeing someone. We’re very close and it’s something I’d normally mention,” I explain.
“No worries, I get it. I’m sorry if our arrangement made it uncomfortable for you.” Dylan frowns over her menu.
“No, it just threw me for a loop is all.” I smile. “But why don’t we put that in the past and enjoy tonight?”
“Are you sure?”
“I’m positive. I just want to eat burgers and milkshakes, and talk about your day.” I nod.
“Okay, sounds good to me.” Dylan smiles.
She calls over the waitress and orders us each one of their extravagant milkshakes. We also order burgers and fries but by the time the meal is over we’re both laughing on a sugar high, way too full to finish any of it. We both take a box home and laugh that we thought we could eat that much food together.
“We should’ve shared a shake andmaybeone burger.” Dylan laughs.
“No, maybe some fries but the burger washuge,” I exclaim.
“Okay, okay. Next time we’ll have to remember that.” She smiles. And for a moment, I forget who we are and what our little arrangement is. We’re just two strangers, getting to know each other, laughing outside a restaurant. And for once, it doesn’t seem so scary. My smile is genuine as I watch Dylan’s dark eyes laugh, her whole body shaking with hope. But just as quickly, I’m reminded of who she is and what our arrangement is, and how I definitely should not be having feelings for her.