Page 8 of Hers to Rule
“Perfect, and your credit card information?”
I recite my numbers over the phone, even in my drunken stir I remember them perfectly. We finalize the where and when details and she said she’ll call this number in the morning with the updated information. We hang up and I feel better than I have in weeks.Was it really that simple?I didn’t think it could be that simple but here we are. I empty my dishes into the sink, my wine bottle into the recycling and I head to bed without another care in the world.
* * *
The next morningI’m at work when my phone is ringing with an unfamiliar number. I don’t think twice about ignoring the phone call, until they call back a second and third time. By the time I go to get it, they’ve hung up and I wonder if someone’s playing some kind of a prank on me. Then all at once, last nights drunken plans hit me. I didn’t really call an escort service and try to hire someone in my loneliness, had I? I mean that would be the only reason they’re calling over and over again, right? I check my bank accounts and credit card statement before realizing a huge some of money was taken out of my account. Had I been robbed? No, there it was. Madame Angelica’s dating service across the invoice.
The next time my phone rings, I pick up the phone on the first ring. I needed to get this all cleared up before it went any further.
“Oh thank goodness, Miss Marsh. I’ve been trying to reach you all morning. You’re all set for your night with Isabella. I just want to remind you this is a dating service, not a sex worker so please do not touch or be intimate with her in any way other than conversation.”
“I’m sorry, but I think there’s been some kind of a mistake.” I say quietly. “I didn’t mean to hire anyone. I was very drunk and dialed this number by accident. I don’t think I meant to call.”
“I see, well you’re welcome to cancel but you will still be charged the full amount plus a cancellation fee.”
“What?” My eyes almost pop out of my head. I couldn’t believe it.
“Would you still like to cancel?”
“I guess not.” I sigh. I mean how bad could one night out be? Maybe I would get something out of it, after all.
“Perfect. We hope you have a wonderful night with Isabella.” She hangs up cheerily after giving me the time and location and I think about all the positives that might happen if I actually go out with her. The good outweighing the bad, I feel like what’s the worst that can happen.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Sara asks for the tenth time.
“I’m sure.” I nod. I am looking through my closet for something sexy yet not too revealing to wear. I have my first date alone tonight and to be honest, I am nervous as hell about it. But I am trying not to let that show.
“You’ve looked through that closet ten times now, you’re never going to find what you’re looking for in there,” she says from my bed.
“What do you suggest then?” I sigh.
“Come with me.” She drags my arm out and pulls me toward her room. She tells me to sit, and I plop on her bed while she paws through her drawers.
“I have my own clothes, you know,” I point out.
“Not the kind of clothes you need.” She has a point.
“I could go shopping or something.” I got paid more than I expected from my night with Jerry and even with Madame Angelica’s cut, I have fifteen hundred more than I did a week ago.
“Soon, but first try this.” She pulls up a low cut black top that will show off my boobs perfectly.
“I have a feeling you think I should be showing off my tits.”
“You always hide them but they’re one of your best assets.” She glances at them and I blush. It isn’t like I haven’t heard that before, but it is different coming from Sara.
“Okay.” I take the top and try it on. It isn’t weird for me to get undressed in front of her, she is like getting dressed in front of my sister.
“YES.” She gasps and I realize how ‘out’ my tits are. My eyes widen a bit and I know what will make me feel more comfortable. I run to my room and grab my motorcycle jacket, zip it up halfway and she nods. “That’s perfect.”
“I feel like a sexed up version of myself.” I laugh. I’m not complaining, just enjoying the changes that are coming with this job.
“Dylan won’t know what hit him.” Sara laughs and I look in the mirror. Taking in my new look, I am nervous but this feels more me than I can explain. I am glad I have a few more hours to do my hair and makeup before going out, but I am going to be confident tonight is a fresh start. I can handle this, and I am excited for this. The more I think it, the more I actually believe it.