Page 22 of Struck By Love
“Training their special forces, I believe. Colombia has a history of rebel groups and drug lords pushing their political agendas. Our special operators train theirs in order to promote stability in that country.”
“That’s cool.” Grayson went back to stabbing at his chicken.
Grace pictured Mateo in Casuarito with the Doyles. The trading town was at the edge of a rebel-occupied jungle. If anything happened to the Doyles, Mateo would disappear forever. Worry made her stomach churn.
Faith asked, “Isn’t SEAL Team Six stationed in Virginia Beach?”
“Yes, at Dam Neck Naval Base,” Fitz replied. “I believe the four who recovered Grace are back in the States by now.”
Faith raised her eyebrows at Grace. “Imagine running into one of them.”
Grace pictured herself turning a corner in the grocery store and coming face-to-face with Amos McLeod. He could have at least let hertryto get Mateo into the country. But, no, he’d let Peter wrest Mateo from her arms, and then he’d forcibly put her on that helicopter and flown her out of the country.
Then he’d had the gall to write her that poem as if to say he was sorry.
She pushed back her chair. “I’m going to go warm up the pie. Is anybody else done?”
“I am.”
Grace carried her and Olivia’s plate to the kitchen, stuck the pie back in the oven to warm it up and returned to the dining room, where Faith and Fitz were talking like old friends.
Grayson interrupted them. “Can I be excused?”
At the sharp question, all three adults regarded the preteen.
“Honey, you’ve hardly eaten anything,” his mother pointed out.
Grace intervened. “He really wants to be with his friend Cameron right now. Since he had dinner with us, could he still go?”
Faith regarded her for a moment, silently communicating both worry and apology over Grayson’s behavior. “Yes.” With clipped words, she addressed her son. “But I want you back in the house before dark. Use good judgment.”
Grace recognized the line as one Jerry used to say. Faith had to play the role of both parents now. Suffering a moment of guilt for being caught up in her own drama, Grace wished she could be of more help to her sister.
With a grateful glance at his aunt, Grayson pushed back his chair, grabbed his plate, and fled to the kitchen.
Grace heaved an inward sigh. Grayson had to be uncomfortable seeing his mother entertain a strange man in their home. And given Fitz’s taut expression, he was clearly aware of the feelings he inspired.
He, too, pushed his chair back. “I should get going soon, myself. I’ve got an early flight tomorrow morning.”
“Oh? Where are you going?” Faith failed to hide her disappointment.
“Just a quick trip to DC. For work.” He offered no details.
“But you gotta have pie.” Olivia appeared heartbroken at the prospect of their party ending. “It’s Grandma Tilly’s recipe!”
Fitz visibly melted at her appealing expression. “Well, if it’s Grandma Tilly’s, then I’ll guess I’d better try it.”
“Yay!” Her grin displayed a missing tooth.
Fitz smiled back at her. “Did you put that tooth out yourself?”
“It came out when I ate an apple.”
“That’s the best way, really.”
Olivia giggled, thrilled with Fitz’s attention.
Faith’s sharp gasp drew all eyes to her.