Page 71 of Struck By Love
At the surgeon’s greeting Faith’s eyes snapped open and her head turned. Her face, devoid of color, struck fear deep into Fitz’s heart. To his relief, she held out a hand to him.
He crossed immediately to her side, curling her cold fingers into his.
“Did you bring the children?”
“Yes.” He pulled the stool closer and sank onto it. “They’re in the waiting room.” He was grateful for the partition that kept him from seeing the blood he had glimpsed earlier.
“I can’t believe they let you—”
“Shhh.” He pitched his voice low. “They’ll make me leave if they learn I’m not the father. Unless that’s what you want?”
“No.” Closing her eyes, she gripped his hand harder. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
She had to be terrified. He knew an impulse to kiss her knuckles.
Faith drew a slow breath. “It’s so hard to breathe.”
“We’re taking the baby out now.” The surgeon spoke in a low, intense voice. “The pressure will be over soon.”
Fitz saw the assistant glance over at the monitor and do a double-take.
“Her BP is dropping, doctor.”
Fear banded Fitz’s ribcage.
“Here we go.” The surgeon’s hands had to be inside Faith’s womb. He pulled them out, lifting out a tiny bundle of limbs. “It’s a baby girl.”
Over the partition, Fitz stared in astonishment as the infant was handed off to the neonatal team. Did the baby have red hair, or was that blonde hair tinged with blood?
“She’s not crying.” Faith’s faint words held a note of fear. “Why isn’t she crying?”
Not a soul answered her. The doctor was intent on removing all the placenta while keeping an eye on Faith’s blood pressure. Fitz saw it drop another point.
She moaned, drawing his attention. She had closed her eyes, her face drawn with grief. “It’s my fault.” A fat tear squeezed out from under her long eyelashes.
“Don’t say that,” Fitz scolded. “You’ve done your very best.” Poor woman, she’d been doing it all with very little help from her twin. For that matter, he himselfcould have done more for her than he had thus far. This could just as well be his fault.
The doctor’s voice sent foreboding skating down his spine. “Cauterize this now. She’s bleeding too much.”
As the scent of burning tissue filled the room, Fitz turned back to Faith and froze. “Faith?” He touched the side of her face and got no reaction. “Doctor, she’s lost consciousness.” Memories flashed through his mind—him trying and failing to resuscitate Mary. Her blood had been all over his hands.
The doctor didn’t answer. He was too intent on stopping the bleeding. Turning back to Faith, Fitz clasped her limp palm between his own, terrified that she was slipping away. Closing his eyes, he prayed like he hadn’t done since finding his family all slain.
Please God, don’t take her from her children. She’s all they’ve got. She’s my future!
Until he prayed the words, he hadn’t been willing to accept they were true. But she was his future. Without Faith, his life was practically meaningless. Sure, he had his work to keep him busy. He still had a country to keep safe. He’d thought that was all the satisfaction he needed. But if that were so, he wouldn’t be so stricken now. Faith had done more than tend him in the emergency room eighteen months ago. She had brought his broken heart back to life.
A pathetic mewling sound came from the other side of the room.The baby!Fitz stood to better see. A nurse was rolling her up in a checkered blanket and the baby wanted none of it.
“Okay, okay, you feisty thing. There you go. Now doesn’t that feel better?”
Wheeling around with the baby in her arms, the nurse carried her toward Fitz, beaming.
“Weighing in at just four pounds, two ounces, she’s got an Apgar score of 8, which is normal. And look who got Daddy’s red hair!”
Fitz had no choice but to take the squalling infant as Faith was still unconscious. He settled her into the crook of his arm where she immediately ceased her caterwauling. Silent now, she stared up at him, scarcely blinking.
Spellbound, Fitz sank onto the stool. “Hello, precious.” The same instantaneous and ferocious love he had felt at the births of his three children took him by storm. This washisbaby. Or at least people would think so when they saw the tuft of hair on her head.