Page 94 of Struck By Love
“Well, if I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise now, would it?”
Certain it was Grace, Faith beamed up at Fitz. How would she possibly make it up to him for all he’d done, staying overnight with her kids, buying them groceries when the larder ran low, and even enlisting Grayson’s help in taking care of the horses? All she’d had to do was call the six clients expecting to see her again and explain her circumstances. Luckily, they’d all agreed to postpone therapy for three weeks.
“Three weeks isn’t enough to recuperate,”Fitz had protested, but he hadn’t tried to tell her what to do.
“How did Grace get here so soon? Just yesterday she answered my WhatsApp message from Bogotá!”
“Who says the surprise is Grace?” Fitz’s expression gave nothing away, but his eyes danced.
“I know it’s her. I can feel her.”
At last, the elevator touched down and the doors swept open, spilling them out into an atrium-style lobby with a water feature rippling down one wall. Faith peered around, joy rising in her as she spotted Grace, holding on to a dark-haired child while chatting with Faith’s children. They all started toward them as Orlando wheeled her closer.
“Mommy!” Olivia ran at her, nearly falling on top of the baby as she careened into Faith’s wheelchair.
“Hi, sweetie.” Faith hugged her daughter while watching Grace’s awed expression as her eyes locked on the baby. One good look at her twin and Faith could tell that the darkness had left her. She looked tired but finally at peace. The sweet, frightened face of the boy clinging to her was all Faith needed to see to understand why Grace had to go back for him.
“Oh, my goodness.” Without releasing her new son, Grace leaned over to peer at the sleeping bundle in Faith’s arms. “She looks a lot like Olivia did, but tinier, and with Mom’s hair.”
Straightening, her attention went to Fitz as he stepped behind Olivia to fix her crooked ponytail. She then glanced thoughtfully at Grayson, who stood some distance away with his hands in his pockets.
Turning back to Faith, Grace communicated with her eyes what she was thinking: Grayson wasn’t happy with Fitz becoming an active part of their lives.
Faith sent her a faint nod.I know.
Grace grimaced sympathetically. “How areyoufeeling?” Her tone conveyed both concern and guilt.
“A little tender, still, but ready to go home. I think Orlando here needs to get back up to L&D.”
“Y’all take all the time you need,” the young man assured them, even as he consulted his watch.
Fitz finished with Olivia’s hair. “I’ll go pull the car up.”
“Thank you.” Faith looked back at Grace. “Did you just get in?”
“Yes, we came straight from the airport. Mateo, this is Aunt Faith.”
Mateo was looking back and forth between them, clearly struck by their resemblance. “We’re twins,” she told him, articulating clearly. “Gemelas.”
Faith waited, but the boy said nothing. “Does he speak Spanish?”
“Right now, he understands both, but he’s still nonverbal.”
“Everything takes time,” Faith assured her while making sure Grayson overheard her.
Grace searched her face. “My departure must have been a really bad shock—enough to send you into labor.”
“No.” Faith shook her head. “Your departure had nothing to do with it. I’d been feeling the symptoms ofabruptio placentaefor a while.Remember all those sharp pains I just ignored?”
The orderly interrupted, “Your husband drives a silver Lexus?”
Faith didn’t bother to correct his assumption. “Oh, yes. That’s his car.”
Aware that Grayson was glowering, Faith heaved an inward sigh as Orlando pushed her wheelchair toward the sliding-glass doors.
Grace grabbed Olivia’s hand, and Faith focused forward. It was a sultry August afternoon. Fitz had slipped out of the driver’s seat and opened the passenger door for her. Orlando pushed her right up to the car and set the brake.