Page 101 of Three's A Crown
“We fucked him into oblivion, sweetheart. Why don’t you cuddle him while I get cleaned up,” Auggie tells her.
Rosalie wraps herself around my body and buries her face into the crook of my neck. “That was wonderful,” she mumbles against my skin.
It was. I try to wrap myself around her, but everything feels like lead, then the darkness sinks in and I fall asleep.
The boys are busy today doing whatever they need to do so I won’t see them again until tonight when we get ready for dinner with the parents, which I’m worried about, knowing how unhappy they are about Augustine choosing me and them knowing that I am also sleeping with my fiancé’s lover and guard. I get it. It’s not the norm, and if it was happening to anyone other than me, I would be dead against it. Maybe I am living in fantasyland thinking the three of us could have a relationship.
“You’re quiet this morning,” Skylar comments as we take a walk through the royal gardens, needing to get out of our rooms. It’s a bright, sunny day, we shouldn’t be locked up in our towers on a day like today. The fresh air should do me good and ease my anxiety about tonight.
“Have a lot on my mind,” I tell her.
“You worried about dinner tonight?” she asks as we stroll past the rose garden.
“Yes, among other things.”
“Rose, you know you can talk to me. I may be silly sometimes, but I only do that to lighten the mood. I can be serious too.”
I reach out and link arms with my sister; she is the best. “The king and queen are not my biggest fans,” I confess to her.
“Isn’t that normal, not getting along with your in-laws?”
True. “They’ve found out that the three of us have been together.”
Skylar stills and looks over at me. “How?”
“Like home, the castle has eyes and ears everywhere.”
“Good to know,” she says before resuming our walk. “You can understand how they wouldn’t like it though.”
I turn and glare, not expecting her to agree with them, she has always been Team Two Dicks.
“I’m being devil’s advocate here,” my sister says, holding up her hand. “Your one and only job is to produce heirs, rightful ones and now there’s a chance that you might produce an illegitimate one.”
“I get that, but—”
“Look, I understand that what the three of you have isn’t conventional. I mean, you thought you were marrying to be their beard and here you are enjoying both. Which there is nothing wrong with that,” she adds quickly, “but it isn’t the reason you said yes to the prince’s proposal.”
“Things have changed between the three of us and we weren’t expecting it.”
“I get it, please, I do. But the king and queen don’t have to. All they care about is their country, their people, and you producing a legitimate heir. That’s what you signed up for and now you seem to have moved the goal posts on them.”
Wow. Wasn’t expecting Skylar to give me such harsh home truths.
“You can’t go up against the king and queen, you will lose. I think what you need to do is compromise. Show them that you are willing to be Team Augustine more than Team Greyson,” she says.
“I care for them both equally though.”
“See the thing is you can’t though, babe. The prince is your fiancé, Greyson is the guard. Only behind closed doors will it ever be equal. And you are going to have to get used to that,” she explains. “I’m not trying to be a Debbie Downer, Rose. I’m being a realist. You and those boys are all in a cloud of lust and pheromones, you can’t see clearly. And that is okay. But just know that outside of the bedroom there is a big, bad world, with people and enemies that will use what the three of you have, against you.”
“You think people would?”
“You remember who our father was, don’t you? If Valerius got wind of you shacking up with the prince and his guard, he would use it to blackmail you, them, and the crown. There is so much more at stake, babe.”
Shit. She’s right. “I know the prince won’t want to give Greyson up and I don’t know if I do either.”