Page 111 of Three's A Crown
I stand and hold out the seat for Rosalie to sit beside me. She smiles and makes her way over, then takes her seat. Skylar takes the seat opposite us.
“We hope you enjoyed last night.” My mother gives the girls her best royal smile.
“We did. Thank you very much, Your Highness,” Skylar answers for them. “And thank you so much for your very kind hospitality once again.”
My mother nods in approval of Skylar’s praises.
“And you’re happy with your accommodation?” my mother turns and asks Skylar.
“Oh, my goodness, yes. I love it so much, thank you. It’s one of the most beautiful rooms I’ve ever seen. And the clothes in the closet … I don’t know how we can ever repay your generous hospitality. I promise that you willnotbe disappointed in Augustine’s decision to marry my sister. One day soon I hope we will be able to repay you for what you have done for my family.” Skylar’s words seem to have softened my father’s glare.
“Let’s eat,” my father declares, and we dig into our breakfast.
The conversation flows smoothly, especially as my father takes center stage and talks about how great our nation is. He could talk about this subject for hours, and he usually does.
Eventually, he dismisses the girls and lets them leave the breakfast table, before asking Greyson and me to join him in his office. We follow my father into his office, along with Joss and take a seat in front of him.
“We need to talk about Rosalie and the relationship she has with the two of you.” My father raises his brow at us both. “I’m not blind. At the breakfast table, I saw the glances between the three of you.”
Joss turns and scowls at his son.
“Do you think the press will turn a blind eye to the way the three of you look at each other?”
“We were in the safety of our home, Father,” I argue with him.
“And the staff? You think someone isn’t going to mention it in passing and then before you know it the gossip has spread like wildfire and the gossip columns will be writing about it. I will not have you and that girl tainting my kingdom.”
I’m taken aback by his venom.
My father shakes his head. “I willnotallow the future king of this country and his queen to continue a relationship like this.” His voice rises.
My blood begins to boil.
“It’s not right. We will not have bastard heirs on the throne.” His lip curls in disgust, and the room falls silent at my father’s callous words.
“I willnotgive them up, Father,” I say, standing my ground.
My father’s eyes narrow, his face turning bright red with anger. “You’re not going to have a choice, Augustine.” His voice is cold. “I think Greyson should move down to Lindburg until the wedding.”
“What! No.” I jump out of my chair.
“It’s only for a month, Augustine. I’m sure the three of you can be parted till then. Especially if you think the three of you are meant to be together,” he adds sarcastically.
“Things won’t change between the three of us, no matter how far you send Greyson.” My eyes fall to where Greyson is seated as my stomach sinks at the thought of him leaving.
“My word is final, Augustine. I want nothing distracting you until the wedding.”
“Greyson isn’t a distraction. I love him,” I tell my father. Why doesn’t he understand that?
“He is to Rosalie. The way she looked at him, with hearts in her eyes, disgusting.” He shakes his head again. “Rosalie needs to give you her full attention, and having Greyson here, I feel, will distract her from that. From getting to know you properly. Once you two are officially married, Greyson may then return home.”
“No,” I scream at my father. “No … I want Greyson at my wedding. He’s supposed to be standing beside me as my best man.”
“It’s okay, Auggie,” Greyson tries to placate me.
“No. It’s not okay, Grey. None of this is okay,” I tell him before turning back to my father. “I did what you asked. I found a bride. I found someone who I can marry publicly. Someone to have my children. Someone who will make a wonderful queen one day. But in Rosalie, I also found someone who accepts my love for Greyson. I won’t give up that acceptance.”
My father lets out an exasperated sigh. “And what happens if someone finds out about the three of you and uses it to hurt our country?” Father’s blue eyes narrow.