Page 2 of Three's A Crown
Anthony nods in understanding. “He has amassed a huge debt to Valerius because of this.”
“What. No!” Standing up angrily, I continue, “You can’t force her to marry someone she doesn’t love. My sister is not a commodity that can be bought or sold. She will be a queen.”
Anthony nods in understanding before continuing with whatever bullshit is written in that will. “Your father owes the Carandini family alotof money, and their reputation precedes them. They are a dangerous family, girls. I know you grew up with them and may not have seen their other side, but they are ruthless. If Valerius calls in his debt from you all, and he will, and you don’t pay …” Anthony lets his warning hang in the air.
“That’s not right,” Skylar adds.
“How much is the debt?” Magnolia asks.
“It looks to be about ten million dollars,” Anthony states.
That’s a lot of money.
“And we don’t have that amount of money in any trusts or anything like that?” I ask.
Anthony shakes his head. “Not that I know of. I would have to double-check with the king’s treasury, but I do believe it is empty.”
Of course, it is.
“I’m sorry to be the one to tell you all this, but unfortunately, the law of this land states that the king’s daughters are his property. And he has control over what happens with youall, even in death,” Anthony explains.
That asshole.
“What can I do to get out of this marriage?” Magnolia asks.
Anthony looks down at the will and shakes his head. “Honestly, even if you can get the money to pay off the debts, I’m not sure if Valerius will accept it. Allowing his son to marry a princess gives him access to so much more power and influence. His son would be close to the throne of Aegina, and he will not give that up for anything. Valerius has the means and power to make your lives and those in your country’s lives hell if you don’t comply.”
We look between each other and know what Anthony is saying is true.
“What happens if Magnolia refuses to marry Dante and marries someone else?” I ask.
“I’m going to assume Valerius will look to you, Rosalie, as the next in line to be his son’s bride.”
I scrunch up my face over that prospect. “Ew, I’m not marrying Dante Carandini,” I moan. “Sorry, Mags,” I add, looking over at my sister.
Magnolia shakes her head, letting me know she isn’t offended.
Either way, these men have fucked us over.
“I’m sorry that the news isn’t what you hoped for. I’ll have a look to see if there are any loopholes that I could try to get you out of the predicament you find yourselves in, but this will seems ironclad. Your father never consulted me regarding this amendment of his will.”
“So, we could contest it?” I ask, hope lighting inside me.
Anthony shakes his head. “It’s legitimate. He just didn’t consult me with these changes, probably knowing I would have pushed back on them for you girls. I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault, Anthony. We appreciate everything you have done for us today. We’re surprised by the will’s contents. It wasn’t at all what we were expecting,” Magnolia explains.
“I promise, girls, I will try everything I can to find something in the constitution that could possibly help you out of these amendments. The people will not want an unknown person on the throne,” he states.
“Do you think we can get the senators to help us change the law?” I ask him.
He shakes his head. “Highly doubtful, especially as Valerius is in their pockets.”
“Can’t imagine Valerius will be happy about this news unless he’s already found the long-lost heir and is already manipulating the situation,” I hiss.
“I think Valerius would rather see his son on the throne than someone else,” Anthony adds.
I think he might be right there, but I don’t think we are that desperate to ask for Valerius’s help.