Page 60 of Three's A Crown
Fuck, Auggie, why are you putting these ideas in my head. “What are you saying?”
“Rosalie wants to be filled by both of us.”
“And you would be okay with me fucking your fiancée?” I question him.
“Greyson, the thought of her choking on your fucking thick cock is making me hard.” Auggie groans.
A frown forms on my face. “As hot as all this sounds, I’m worried about us blurring the lines.”
My question pulls Auggie from his lust. “You think us playing with Rosalie is going to make things change between you and me?”
I nod. “How can it not? You are about to get married to this woman. You are planning on spending the rest of your life with her.”
“And with you too, Grey, it’s not all or nothing,” Auggie adds.
“How can I compete with marriage and babies?” I tell him.
“It’s not a competition, Grey.”
“How do I know that? I’m not saying the thought of finishing what we started last night isn’t appealing, but once that lust fades what happens if love appears instead?” I question him.
“You’re worried I’m going to fall in love with her?” Auggie asks.
I nod.
“The love one day I may feel for her will be different to our love,” he tries to reassure me.
And that’s what I am worried about, that our love isn’t enough.
Auggie stands up and holds out his hand for me and I take it. He leads me out of his office and across the hallway to his bedroom. Does he think sucking my dick is going to make me forget these feelings?It might help.
“Get into bed, Grey,” Auggie commands.
I kick off my shoes and shuck off my jacket and place it on the armchair and then sit down on his bed. He does the same thing and gets in beside me, where he wraps his arm around my shoulders and pulls me into his chest.
“For this conversation I wanted us to be comfortable. And I want you to feel reassured,” Auggie explains as he hugs me tighter.
I sigh into him as I inhale his woodsy scent as I snuggle beside him. “Last night was a lot, from you two having fun in the garden, to Rosalie’s castle half burning down.”
“Maybe we need to start at the start, where I had to watch from the shadows while you ate Rosalie out,” Auggie says with a chuckle.
“That was a highlight, yes.”
“And is that something you would like to do again?” he asks.
I pause for a moment as I think about his question. “Yes.”
“With me or without me?”
“With you as we haven’t spoken about what kind of relationship Rosalie and I would have. Are we friends? Am I only allowed to have fun with her, without you?”
“At the moment I’m not sure, Grey,” he tells me honestly. “Watching the two of you last night was hot, knowing you two were having that fun without me, makes me kind of jealous, but also on the other hand I’m a busy guy and in meetings a lot of the time and if she has needs I would rather you service them than someone else,” Auggie states.
“Guess it’s not up to you, it would be up to Rosalie and what she wants,” I tell him.
“Babe, trust me, she will want to fuck you,” he says with a chuckle.
I roll my eyes at him. “How about we wait and see.”