Page 74 of Three's A Crown
“I’m fine. I can handle Dante,” she adds. “How are you feeling about everything else? Still okay with the decision?”
“I think so. Everything feels right. We have dinner with the king and queen next week now, as they had a last-minute engagement they needed to attend. I’m worried about that. I can only imagine they are not happy that he’s chosen me,” I confess.
“They will love you, Rosie, how can they not? They will eventually come around, I’m sure of it,” Magnolia says, trying to cheer me up.
“We miss you, so much. Wish you were here with us,” I tell her. I hate that there is an ache in my chest because she’s missing.
“I miss you both too. We’ve never been apart before.” Magnolia’s voice wobbles as her eyes turn glassy.
This is true; it was always the three of us together against the world.
“I hate that you are in that man’s house alone, with no backup,” I hiss.
“It’s better than being at his father’s,” she adds.
Also true.
“The prince has started looking and we might have answers soon,” I tell her cryptically.
“If miracles could happen that would be one of them.” Magnolia sighs. “I must go. I think the guys have come home. I love you both and miss you heaps. Stay in touch. We will be together again soon,” she says before wishing us a farewell. Then she’s gone. Skylar and I hug tightly, thankful to have each other.
“You think she is okay there?” Skylar asks.
“I hope so. But you know Maggie, she won’t ever tell us if she isn’t.” I sigh.
“You think they will find that loophole in the constitution?”
“I’m not sure. There must be something there, even the tiniest word that could be interpreted into what we need. The prince’s man will find it, I’m sure of it.”
“I wasn’t lying before, you are positively glowing. Whatever those two men did to you last night it’s working,” she says, nudging my shoulder gently.
“Would you stop.” I chuckle.
“Never. I’m so jealous of you, Rose. Two men, I can only dream of two men loving me. I’d be happy to settle for one.” She sighs.
“The prince loves his guard. I could never get in the way of that. Companionship yes, but love, no. Greyson is his soulmate,” I tell her.
She shakes her head. “You’re a catch, Rose. And I don’t think it will be long till the three of you all fall in love.”
Definitely not love, but most certainly lust.
“As long as we can save our crown and Maggie doesn’t have to marry Dante and you don’t get sold off at some virgin auction then that is all I care about.”
“You think there are virgin auctions?” Skylar squeaks.
“If there are, I’m sure Valerius knows about them. I promise you, Sky, nothing will ever happen to you. One day I will be Queen of Friendsburg. Currently, I’m the future princess of it and you are my sister. That must afford you protection,” I tell her, squeezing her hand.
“I don’t ever want to be sold, Rose,” Skylar tells me softly.
“I promise that will never happen to you. The prince will protect you. I know he will,” I reassure her as I wrap my arms around her again and hold her tightly.
“I’m lonely, Rose.”
“Oh, babe, I’m so sorry.” I had no idea she felt this way.
“Greyson told me that he would introduce me to some of the guards who would be only too happy to keep my bed warm at night.”
“Sky. No,” I gasp. I’m going to have a chat with Greyson, trying to pimp my sister out to his guards.