Page 76 of Three's A Crown
“What do you expect from a virgin,” she says, bursting out laughing.
“Hey, Dad,” I greet my father in his office, which is down at the other end of the palace in the king’s wing.
“Son, how are you?” he asks, looking up from his desk and giving me a warm smile as he reaches out to hug me.
I take a seat in front of his desk. “Things are good.”
“That’s good,” he answers before falling silent. He wants to ask me something and he knows it will turn into a fight, so he is working out another way to ask me.
“Spit it out, Dad. What do you want to know?” I ask him.
My father’s eyes narrow on me. This man as the King’s guard knows everything that happens in this court. It’s his job to make sure he knows everything so I can tell he is fishing for information. “It’s my job to have questions, you know that.”
I nod, just like it’s my job to know everything that is going on in Auggie’s life.
“I heard Rosalie wasn’t there for the announcement of her engagement to the prince.”
I can hear the accusation already in his voice. “Not on purpose, she had to leave because there was a fire at her castle, and she was worried about her family and staff left behind,” I explain.
“And then you returned with her sister in tow early in the morning.”
“If you know all this, why are you asking?” I try not to let his questions affect me.
“Wanted to hear your version. You know how things can get misinterpreted along the castle grapevine.”
“Let me guess, the gossip mill is in overdrive because of who Auggie chose. I assume the king isn’t happy with Auggie’s decision, but he did agree he could choose his own wife.”
“He didn’t assume he would have chosen her,” my father states firmly.
“Wasn’t prepared for you to be so judgmental. You don’t even know her,” I bite, agitated.
“Her family has a reputation.”
“No, her father had a reputation, not her. Rosalie is nothing like her father,” I say, defending her.
“You know she is only with the prince because of the money?”
“Every single one of those princesses was there for one thing and that was the crown. They weren’t there for the prince, only what he could give them. Do not think that was exclusive to Rosalie.”
My father huffs at my comment, but he knows I’m right.
“You don’t even know this woman and yet you already seem to have cast your opinion of her.”
“Did you not read her folio?” he asks me.
“I did, and we both agreed she was perfect for Auggie.”
“Really, and why is that?”
“Because all she wanted was for us to help her save her family. She wasn’t after the power or the prestige of being the future Queen of Friendsburg,” I explain to him.
“Us, hey?”
“Like you said, I am the closest person to him.”