Page 79 of Three's A Crown
“I knew my father would be up to something.”
“This isn’t a surprise, babe. We know how your father thinks,” I say as I slide my fingers through his hair again.
“I know, I guess I thought by agreeing to marry Rosalie that it would put an end to it all.” Auggie sighs, resting his cheek on my thigh as if his head is too heavy for him suddenly. “Last night was fun and it’s something that felt right between the three of us.”
I felt it too.
“You know if I could have chosen you, I would have.” He kisses my knuckles again.
“Hey,” I say, grabbing his attention. “I know. I understand. I get it. Honestly, I believe that Rosalie coming into our life might have been a missing piece neither one of us knew we were missing,” I reassure him.
“You feel that, too?” he asks. Those blue eyes widen, surprised that I have had the same thought as him.
“It’s strange. Really, this whole thing has been strange. And everything has progressed so quickly, yet …” I let the words fall away.
“Yet, it feels so right,” Auggie answers for me.
I nod in agreement.
“I’m worried that further down the line as we progress, you won’t feel the same way anymore. I worry seeing Rosalie and I get married, have kids, build a life together … that in the end, I’ll break your heart,” he confesses, and a tear falls along Auggie’s cheek, then runs down his chin.
“Hey, no,” I tell him, cupping his face. “You willneverlose me. I promise you.”
“Yes. But you should be able to get married, Grey. You should be able to have a family of your own, too.”
“I don’t want any of that unless I have you,” I tell him. “I’m going to be the best goddamn uncle your kids will ever have, you hear me?” He nods. “I won’t be missing out …at all.”
“I’m such a selfish ass, but I don’t ever want to let you go.”
“I’m a selfish dick, too. Because you aren’t getting rid of me either.” Our foreheads are pressed hard against each other. I can see the emotion swirling behind his ice-blue eyes. I lean forward and kiss him. Our mouths are slow and languid. I tell him how much I love him with one single kiss. Next thing I know, I’m pulling him up and we are moving toward the couch that is nestled against the wall. I fall backward and he falls on top of me. We have been in this position many times before. I stare up at him and run my fingers through his golden locks.
“What are we going to do about Rosalie?” I ask.
“It seems she’s already keen on the both of us.” Auggie grins. “But do you think she will grow tired of it?”
“Maybe. I don’t know,” I tell him honestly.
“I won’t give you up,” Auggie states seriously.
I don’t want to give him up either, but I honestly believe things will change once they start raising a family together. It’s not his fault priorities will go in a different direction, that’s life. We all must grow up sometime, I’m just not ready to yet.
“I think we treat the three of us as if we’re like any other couple. Open communication always. Complete honesty. Because I think that’s the only way to keep everyone’s feelings from getting hurt.”I agree with that.“Also”—Auggie grins—“if either of us is in the mood, whoever we are with, we can have fun with. So, if I’m busy in a meeting and things get a little dirty while I’m away, I don’t mind you servicing my fiancée,” Auggie states with a wide smile. “And if you do, know that I will be taking my turn with you next.” Auggie wiggles his eyebrows at me.
“Do you really think Rosalie is going to be okay with us having alone time or do you think she’s saying that because that’s what we want to hear?”
“So far it doesn’t feel like she’s placating us and even if she is, I will remind her about the deal and the money. When I spoke to her the other day, she made it clear that she doesn’t want to get between us,” Auggie says, reaching out and pressing a kiss softly against my lips.
“What about last night when you took her bare?” I ask, raising the delicate question with him. It surprised me. Auggie is usually so careful; he’s never in his life not used protection.
“What about it?”
“You surprised me that is all. Did you and Rosalie speak about trying for kids right away?” My stomach churns as I ask the question.
Auggie pauses. “No, we didn’t. I wasn’t thinking, but I guess she understands that is part of the agreement to produce an heir.”
“Are you ready for kids?”
Auggie shakes his head. “No, but I see your point. I’ll have a chat with Rosalie about her birth control.”