Page 14 of Games with the Orc
She leaned back just enough to catch my eye, a lazy smile stretched across her lips, eyes heavy-lidded with pleasure. "Oh, good."
A growl ran through me at her easy acceptance, and I stepped back before the rattle of chains reminded me that I was working, had to be mindful and not surrender to natural impulse. I reached my free hand behind me and searched carefully for the cuff releases, finding them and letting the chains clatter free. I drew one of Sonya's hands around and was pleased to see only light markings on her wrists—nothing that would bruise after a good massage.
"What's next?" she asked, eyes still on my face.
"Hush, or I will fill your mouth again," I said, checking her other wrist. Out of the corner of my eye I could see her mouth open again, lips twitching, but then she closed it shut and relaxed against my chest as she had been. That was unusual too, sweetly intimate and familiar for barely an hour into our appointment.
I glanced at the altar at the far end of the room and then grew greedy. She would be too high up for me to mount, and I was partial to the way she clung to me. I moved us into the other room, her body still wrapped around mine.
"I just realized you're not growing soft," she murmured, eyes widening slightly.
"I told you I wasn't finished with you," I said, arching a brow. An orc's cock only flagged without stimulation, and there was nothing unstimulating about the sweet and coated heat of this woman's cunt.
It was brighter in this room, her hair sparkling slightly in the golden light, skin dewy with sweat. I straddled the bench and sat, waiting for a moment as she shifted on my lap, squirming on my cock, her lips parted and breath growing short.
"I didn't know that meant…" She trailed off, eyelids sliding shut as her toes grazed the floor and she used the leverage to ride me with shallow thrusts for a moment. My stav responded, pumping slowly in my cock. "Oh, god—master—I…"
"Khell'ar," I said, ducking my chin to hide my grimace.
"Khell'ar," she moaned, taking my name onto her tongue without question, her riding growing a little more ambitious. My hands tightened on her hips to help her pace for a few more moments before I remembered my work.
I slid my hands up around her waist, over her ribs, to squeeze and grope her breasts briefly before settling on her shoulders. "Lie back, pet," I said, not waiting for her to obey but pushing her backwards.
She fell back easily, not fighting my order or my touch in the slightest. Such surrender. She sighed and stretched, voice hiccuping as I hooked her thighs and fastened her close to my hips so that I wouldn't slip out of her. In truth, I should've retreated to offer the massage her arms needed, but even now she was rocking and twisting on my length and I didn't have the willpower to resist fucking her, at least with my stav, not when her body was begging for me.
I reassured myself that I was not thrusting into her, only letting my stav pump slowly. I bent forward, digging my fingers into her shoulders, working them in slow and thorough circles up to her neck.
"Ohhhh, that's lovely," Sonya moaned, hips moving a little more quickly.
I reached one hand down and swatted at her inner thigh. "Enough, or I will pull out. You will be fucked when I say you will."
I would've like for us both to be fucked right then, preferably with her ass high and beckoning my palm to turn it red and tender, but she needed ministered to right now, a balance to the demand of the chains she'd asked for.
"Yes, master," she said softly, blinking up at me and stilling.
It was only a moment more, and her eyes were falling shut again, the subtle shifting of her body increasing with her breaths, sucking in as my stav thrust forward, breathing out with a little whine as it retreated to her opening. I left her to it this time, focusing first on dragging my hands up and down one arm, loosening the joints and encouraging her blood flow.
This was usually the part I enjoyed most, when the tension had finally passed and my client relaxed under my care. The sex was the work, and I preferred to remain in my head, concentrating on the mechanics and the performance. Or at least, I always had before.
My hands drifted under Sonya's back, digging into muscle, working my way down to her tense hips, her legs trembling over my thighs. If I paid any attention to that red and swollen clit at her center, I would have her coming around my length again. The thought drew out a growl from my chest, and Sonya shuddered and moaned on my lap, blinking up at me.
"Please," she whispered.
"You rush too much," I answered, but my grip was tight on her body, my thumbs digging into the tender crease of her hips, my stav starting to swell inside of her, even at its slow pace. My claws were out again, seemingly incapable of remaining sheathed when my hands were on this woman. Their tips marked lines like arrows on her pelvis, and I realized too late that I had underestimated Sonya's sensitivity.
My stav was in a downstroke, pressing to her front walls, my thumbs just brushing against her outer lips, when she arched and clamped around me in a fresh orgasm that seemed to shock us both. I snarled as she shook and squeezed around my cock, arms flying back behind her head to brace against the edge of the bench.
I released one hip, slapping my palm against Sonya's spread sex, and even I wasn't sure if it was meant to be a punishment or a reward, the sharp and sudden stimulus to her clit, but she screamed and arched, grinding urgently against my hips.
I was meant to be in control, meant to be measured, to be moving forward with our games gently. Did she mean to make it impossible? If so, I would leash her more tightly in the future. But not now.
Now, my cock burned with the urge to thrust. I lunged forward, hooking my arms beneath Sonya's knees and bending her for my use, fucking her roughly from above.
"Oh, god, yes!" she cried, just as the first subtle knife of caution tried to cut through my thoughts. It vanished with her words, her eyes wide and mouth slack with relief, breasts shaking with the force of my thrusts.
She was natural, lustful, and sexual. She was perfect. And I was pleasing her, serving her even as I used her like a toy for my own appetite. I let the haze of covetous hunger rise in me for the first time in years, just a fraction, and growled. I slid my clawed thumb to her clit and tortured it with rough swirls. She came again with a shout, strangling my swollen stav, strangling my cock, and somehow my own breath too.
We'd barely begun our work. I had five days to use this woman in every way she would let me, and the ideas began to stir faster now in my head, her wishes and my own cravings mingling. But first, I would surrender with her.