Page 22 of Games with the Orc
He nudged me another step, and my hips bumped into a raised platform, high enough that the top hit my waist. He lifted me up, pushing my chest down onto its slightly padded surface, my legs hanging over the edge.
"You should've cleaned yourself for me, petal, but I'll do the work myself if I must."
And as if in response, or perhaps at some aroused encouragement of my core, release slipped out of me again, just as Khell'ar smoothed a hand down my ass to cup my sex.
"How many times did he make you come?"
I hid my grin against the surface of the platform, stretching my arms forward and finding the other edge with the tips of my fingers. "I lost count."
"Mmmm, then I will have to guess."
Khell'ar's touch was gone at that declaration, and for a moment, I thought I would be left on the awkward platform in silence again. A moment later, and with a soft whoosh of air from behind me, brilliant and shocking pain bloomed on my ass.
I let out a cry at the sudden spank, and the note swooped higher as two thick fingers plunged inside of me with a wet squelch.
Oh god. The implication of Khell'ar's questions hit me at once. He would clean me with his fingers, fucking our mutual release out of me. He would spank me for the orgasms he had already given me. Surely not, there had been so many!
"Too hard?" he asked, slightly winded.
I moaned, turning my head and wishing I might see him behind me, but the blindfold was still firmly in place. His broad hand was soothing over the spot he'd just struck, leaving a sharp heat behind.
"Not yet," I answered.
"Good." His fingers picked up pace inside of me, and the next slap of his hand on my ass was a relieving distraction from the little splashes against my inner thighs.
"Oh, beast!" I cried out.
"That's it, little petal. Again," he said.
And in spite of the warning, I did scream for him as he spanked me again, twice in quick succession on either cheek. He'd ridden me limp the day before. I suspected I would be hoarse before sunset today.
"Ride me, petal."
I burrowed into the hot chest before me, my breath uneven, eyes stinging, searching for just one moment of rest.
"No," I moaned, my hands trying to find purchase on my orc's chest.
The cock inside of me was pumping slowly, and my legs felt boneless where I knelt on the broad lap beneath me, ass still burning hot from my spanking. "Do as I say, or I will throw you to the other hungry orcs who want soft flesh to feast from and a wet cunt to sate their cocks."
I whimpered, and two hands snatched my own off the chest I was resting against, pulling my arms behind my back in a stretch that had me sitting up straight and arching, crying out.
"I'm tired, beast!" Tears seeped out of my eyes, sticking the blindfold to my skin, but Khell'ar only chuckled. The sound was warm, too sweet, and it cut through the haze of frustrated arousal fraying at my thoughts.
"Your beast is unsatisfied. Ride me," Khell growled.
Liar, I thought spitefully, gritting my teeth and snarling back at my orc, who shook with another, more restrained bout of laughter. I was tempted to let my limp body melt off Khell'ar's lap and down to the cold floor—the stone would be a relief on my fevered skin. Even that surrender would take some measure of strength, so instead I let out a rough cry of frustration and forced my body to rise, my thighs burning with the effort.
Khell'ar had spanked me until my ass was flames and my cunt was more or less drained of all his cum. He'd taken me down to my knees to use my mouth, made me bend and grip my ankles as he held me on my toes and fucked me from behind. I'd satisfied him plenty already, monstrous orc.
"Good little petal," Khell purred as I whined, forcing my body into the rise and fall, his stav picking up speed inside of me. I'd never heard of a stav before he'd explained his to me at dinner, but I was spectacularly grateful for the pump and swell of the inner sheath in his cock, and immediately obsessed with the sensation.
One large hand circled both my wrists, tying them in place behind my back and holding me in the pose, breasts thrust forward. I gasped as cool points of pressure scratched their way up my stomach, making it jump, over my ribs, on a path toward my breasts, swirling slowly. Blindfolded, Khell'ar's claws could've been the dull edge of blades on my skin or the tips of black pencils, marking their patterns over my skin, decorating my breasts with their touch.
"Bastard," I breathed, fighting my own exhaustion, my burning, aching, weary muscles, to rush to the end, to finish my orc and be done. "Oh, god, Khell, please."
My thighs were trembling, the ache growing to an almost unbearable fire. New tears slipped down from under the blindfold, over my cheeks. There was no pleasure in this.
Liar, I thought again, but this time at myself. There was a soft tingling running down from where Khell's claws traced my skin, into my cunt. There was the heady high of Khell's purrs and growls in my head, the sound of his grunt as I landed heavily on his lap, the hiss as I rose wobbling to his tip. But my body was too hot and too weary, and my head was deep in the fog of lack of sleep, too distant and shy of my own body in this moment.