Page 6 of Games with the Orc
"Very?" I managed, my voice a little breathless.
Astraeya only nodded.
I tapped the screen and caught my breath, the sight of those black claws and thick fingers cupped possessively over a woman's pussy.
"Very," I squeaked out.
On and on it went. There was even a sequence of penises, each one larger than the last. Other obvious images—ropes, floggers, clamps, a handprint on an ass—were mixed in with more obscure but somehow equally arousing images like a moonlit forest, a barely dressed bed by a stone wall. I flipped through a few confusing inclusions of wine, a cheeseboard, and a candle, and then paused at the picture of an intricately arranged bathtub, full of flowers and dimly lit by candles. It was well out of the range of scenarios I'd asked for, but it was appealing.
"Very," I said lightly, looking up to meet Astraeya's approving smile.
The MSA building was an attractive office, with plenty of windows and lots of greenery—not at all what I would've expected from the kind of place to hire out submissive captive fantasies. It was not, apparently, where said fantasies would be taking place.
Astraeya had offered to let me drive myself, but I'd opted instead to take the agency up on transport. My bright yellow suitcase, leather painted with strange and delicate daisies sprouting up from the base, was sitting cheerfully in the back of the black town car as we kicked up dust on a dirt road winding through the woods.
"You weren't kidding about secluded," I murmured, staring out the window and searching for any signs of civilization.
"Honestly?" Astraeya said, somewhat hesitant now. "It's not as secluded as it looks. But that's part of the experience, that sense of being alone with your partner, out of reach. I'm not supposed to spoil that for you, but—"
She paused and I waited, finally prompting her, "But?"
She grimaced slightly and offered me a sheepish, beaming smile. "You're very new to this. It's a big leap."
Two weeks ago, I'd been too embarrassed to tell my best friend my deepest, strangest desires. Now here I was, in a car with a stranger, feeling slightly embarrassed that I hadn't already acted on them. It was like Astraeya thought I was having sex for the first time. Except maybe that wasn't so far off.
"I just want you to know you're safe. You have a really good partner, so I know you're going to have an amazing time," Astraeya said.
My hands clenched on the skirt of my dress, my head whipping to stare at her. "You know him?"
Astraeya grinned, the car slowing. "Just from the office. And his reputation with clients."
I stared at her for another long, quiet moment, willing her to give me more information, but she said nothing until the car had stopped, the forest quiet around us.
"We're here," she said brightly.
Distracted from the mention of my partner for the week, I turned again and gaped at the sight before me. Being chased through the woods was one of my requests, and I'd halfway expected Astraeya to drop me off to be chased. Instead, we sat parked in front of a sweet cottage, with cream plaster and a thatched roof like something right out of a fairy tale. There was even a blooming vine crawling up the corners of the house.
"Appearances can be deceiving," Astraeya said coyly. "Come on, I'll get you oriented."
I licked my lips and hesitated. Astraeya had made sure to tell me that I could back out or cancel my appointment at any time, even once everything had started. For a moment, I considered asking her to drive me back to the office, to my car. I would lose the deposit for the session, but not the entire small fortune this was costing me, and Natalie would let me stay with her. Or better yet, I could go to a hotel with a nice spa package, like I should've done in the first place.
I pushed open the car door, while Astraeya already had my small suitcase in her hand from the backseat. I met her at the little door, and my eyes widened to see the keycode and smart screen rather than some antique knob and lock.
"Just go ahead and press your thumb to the screen. It's easier than us loading you up with a bunch of codes you have to remember," Astraeya said.
"Will I need to unlock the door?" I asked.
She shrugged. "Probably not, but we like for our clients to know that if they decide they want control of anything at any time, they can have it. You want to surrender and offer trust, and we want you to know that we take that very seriously. There, all set. In we go."
The inside was every bit as charming as the out, old-fashioned with softly grooved wood flooring and surprisingly tall ceilings. Of course they're tall, because he's going to be…
"Now, you'll see similar smart screens at every doorway," Astraeya pointed out. "You use your thumbprint there, and you'll be in contact with someone at the office. We don't monitor or invade your privacy, but we are always available if you need us. There, on the table, is a wrist cuff you can use similarly. It's up to you if you want to wear it. And finally, if at any time you speak your safe word, the agency will be monitoring just long enough to check on you, see if you need any assistance. Otherwise, you're not being monitored in any way. Again, these are offered as assurances to you, not as necessary safety precautions. Your partner's priority is your enjoyment and safety."
I nodded, absently noting all the details. The cottage was larger inside than I'd expected and incredibly cozy. There was sunlight streaming in through lace curtains, and in spite of the rustic table at the center of the room and the antique sink in the far right corner, there also was a very nice espresso machine and an updated stove. On my left, a massive dark blue velvet couch waited in the shadows. Ahead of me, a broad doorway revealed a darker room and the corner of an enormous four-poster bed.
"This…isn't quite what I was expecting," I admitted slowly, rushing to add, "It's totally lovely, I just—"
"Oh, this isn't all of it," Astraeya said with a wave of an elegant hand and a toothy grin. "I expect he'll save upstairs for your downtime. And actually, since we're getting closer to it being time, I should probably show you around downstairs real quick. Grab that wrist cuff. I'll set your bag down."